MADLO leak thread 2

last thread went to shit again. DISCUSS THE MUSIC NOT FURRY BULLSHIT

i would say album is a solid 9/10. can't wait to hit the club and hear Deadlines (Thoughtful)

Attached: Making A Door Less Open.jpg (1400x1400, 202.34K)

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car seat headrest discord!!

reminder that pigeon scratch is NOT a pedophile and cub porn is NOT pedophilia, it's only used to justify hate against furries

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stfu! stop baiting

It would be a 5/10 from me, but the fanbase is an automatic -1 so 4/10

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whats wrong with the fanbase

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i joined thediscord and they called me a Yas Forums ritard :(

pigeon is like 16 bro wtf are u talking about
why are you trying to bully a child

pigeon is a mf great person n musician, what r u trying to achieve by lying and faking shit



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nice inspect element pedo


have fun making fun of children i guess

It's invalid :( i just wanna talk about will fuck

cops woke up finally and took down the invite

whyre they so protective

thats how discord servers die baka BAKA

Has digital leaked? Or only vinyl

Only Vinyl

Album is pretty good aside from Hollywood legit think it's their worst song ever.
everything else tho is great 8/10 imo

deadlines (hostile)

this is a demo


definitely subpar compared to everything will has released since 2013

idk how you think Teens of Style and Teens of Denial are better than this.

Teens of Style might be on the weaker side of his discog but I still think it's decent for its intent. Teens of Denial is very good. This is just a total mess of an album.

I dont think the point is to be listened to as an album, more a collection of standalone songs

I mean thats not a good defense of it at all but just to point that out

In what way?
Aside from Hollywood what about it sucks? All the other tracks were very enjoyable.

exactly, albums dont have to be cohesive

they dont have to be but id prefer if they were, if youre not gonna make it cohesive just release all the songs as singles

having every single album be a concept album sounds so very fucking boring

Post the link again

cohesive does not equal concept album, look at otis blue or VU&N or most acclaimed albums ever

ok then let me rephrase
having every single album be a cohesive album sounds so very fucking boring

I suppose the bad albums makes you appreciate the cohesive albums more, but for me the albums that really grab me are the ones that i can sink into for 40 mins