Which is best?

Which is best?

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beggars banquet scratches that dirty blues itch that the others don't quite hit imo

Out of those 4? Exile, for me is the only one 10/10 I’d give

But my personal favorite may actually be Pic-Related

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Sticky Fingers>Exile>LIT>Beggars

none of them

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Sticky Fingers

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cringe and unbased

Holy fuck. Grow up and listen to the studio work the way it was intended to be listened to. A lot of The Stones best songs are B-Sides.

I'd agree if Exile and Sticky were switched.

Weird... Some Girls isn't on there...

beggars banquet desu senpai

id never listen to band whose record cover is a bulging dick

whats wrong with people, baka


I like how Stones are Yas Forumsapproved.

only fags would hate them desu their music is comfy af

too much of a turn-on for you, eh?

That represent the high test and lewd energy of the music. Nothing better than fucking a couple of hoes and drinking beer while listening to Stray Cat Blues. Only sois hate them really.

That album has B-sides, its literally a singles comp, you teenager

>shit taste
nothing unusual, carry on.

I used to think they were overrated af. I've heard Let It Bleed and Beggars Banquet and thought they were good but not great. Never listened to Exile

I heard Sticky Fingers for the first time last week and really liked it so i may be coming around on them.

Exile, it perfected rock, blues, country and gospel. Every song is amazing despite it being a double album. Side three especially has the best stones deep cuts of all time

Beggars Banquet is fantastic, not just good. Listen to it more and more.
But if you want to try something different try their psych albums: Satanic Majesties and Between the Buttons.

>Stray Cat Blues
My band in the 90s covered this.

Exile is definitely their most impressive album.

Get Yer Ya Yas Out

>Side three especially has the best stones deep cuts of all time
Let It Loose is GOAT

I concur, and would add that it has less skipable songs than Exile.

Greatest album ever.

>Outdated music
I guess SF has a couple good tracks