Doing heroin for the first time this weekend, what are some good albums/songs to nod off to?

Doing heroin for the first time this weekend, what are some good albums/songs to nod off to?

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Reed to Hillsborough

crazy frog
It's happy-sad.

K Hole

natural selection will have its way with you soon enough. godspeed

Fucking why, you absolute retard?

That's a real dumbass move.

Why would you want to do heroin? It utterly amazes me how fucking ignorant and uneducated most of my peers are. And I’m not even a straight edge kinda guy. If you’re 25 and under you generally shouldn’t do any substance at all. Just let your body develop naturally, it’s super important and one of the last thing your body develops is the region of your brain responsible for intelligent decision making. After 25, smoke a joint, do some acid, have a drink. Experiment with ketamine or DMT if you wanna. But when you cross over into cigarettes, opioids, benzos, uppers, that’s ridiculously stupid. Once you get to those drugs, mainly these prescription pills and cigarettes. It’s all just rewiring your brain with no real benefits and makes you into a drug zombie that’s isn’t enjoyable for anyone including yourself or anyone around you except other users. Usually fueled by escapism. If you need to escape there are much more productive ways to do it.
If you aren’t truly addicted now, don’t do that shit and you’re going to save you and everyone around you a lifetime of shit

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i'll die doing the best thing life has to offer

why does this comment strike me as so off? i just can't seem to be able reconcile the incongruous elements, why would someone so oblivious to actual drug use make a scheduled appointment in the not-so-immediate future to do heroin? what does your calendar say? "Sat: shooting tar intravenously FTFT! (remember to ask Yas Forums for cool heroin reccs, so excited!) Seems suspiciously unlikely, but why would someone do that? Why would someone tell lies on the internet?

I hope you know that you can end up sucking cocks to buy H.

You either
A.) have some form of mental illness
B.) poor social relationships with other
people generally
C.) have a poor relationship at home with your family
D.)all of the above

You're scum and should do literally any other drug but if that's the way you wanna die then go ahead I guess. Unless you're baiting.

>muh relationships
>muh family
pure reddit shit

So is it mental illness then?
You know relationships is more than just boy kiss girl hehe idiot fucktard right?
Relationship means how you generally interact with others, such as your family, loved ones, strangers and other members of society

Either you have a mental illness, or you have shit relationships with other humans generally, possibly incel, and you’re attentionwhoring on Yas Forums about it


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they sell it as euthanasia
take hallucinogens and unfuck yourself

Dude you're the baby who cant handle reality and has to resort to drug commit suicide. Stop trying to be cool and think about the consequences.

That shit gonna rot you inside out like an apple core, son

for me, it's fuzzy indie rock like Turnover, Pity Sex, DIIV
Jar of Flies is a classic recommendation

>Dude you're the baby who cant handle reality and has to resort to drug commit suicide. Stop trying to be cool and think about the consequences.

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Fuck listening to music bro, you gtta watch movies on heroin

Theres this movie called requiem for a dream, best movie to watch while high trust me bro

it's true if you only do heroin once you're able to control it? is that true for drugs in general?

>Noooo don't do heroin bro, it might kill you!!!

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If you're gonna try it, don't bang it at least

you can do it more than that and still control it

You smoking or injecting? Also be prepared to vomit.

yeah, I watched the old Blade Runner on opiates in the cinema
would recommend

No, it's completely dependent on the individual. Some people have a greater predisposition to addiction than others. But like all things in life, moderation is everything.

Rejecting your family structure and personal responsibility to your loved ones for temporary pleasure is the most soi and degenerate thing you could possibly do on this earth actually. If you wanna kill yourself that bad just kill yourself and get it over with.

How about a joint and some Rush instead?