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is sera live or something what are you guys watching

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Attached: harrass me please.webm (400x850, 978.53K)

>EXO Chen and his wife reportedly welcomed the birth of their daughter today
chen is officially a dad now

>twice go to the US
>see smelly obese people everywhere
>hate the west

uh oh

Attached: minacs.jpg (1069x797, 73.99K)


Attached: jiho bullying arin.gif (500x500, 3.84M)

sera is pretty pathetic dbh

please save her, yeri

Attached: 1510925003216.jpg (1080x1350, 209.35K)

Sera is live and talking about being molested and depressed. It's something.


Attached: anjoonk.webm (860x860, 2.51M)

Don't sexually harass sera

we want to see the whole squid

Attached: 1575219931634.webm (360x480, 1.21M)

i would artifical seras fanbase iykwim

imagine the taste

DILF status achieved

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remove yeri

that guy's nosefu (SuA)

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too bad it's not a son so sm can't debut him in nct dream in 15 years

I just feel sorry for cub, poor girl.

i hate twitter reporters and their cum guzzlers so much

mina dodged that tho

Sera should get her shit together

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sm better protect their artists officially now
Here's the Sera video that made twitter seethe

i used to think sera's depression was just some causeless state of being

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is kpg a dad?

who's your waifu and what's your phone

are you saying he isn't pure?

holy shit, that's based

shes lying for donations you dolt

>implying nct dream will still be a thing

sera just needs to date the white guy she so obviously craves

lmao based sera

then she's doing it wrong

Attached: yeji2.jpg (256x256, 18.5K)

I don't see any seething.

People really making up issues out of thin air

based Sera


>tune in
>she's just thanking people for donations
wtf i want dirt

For me, it's Jung Eunbi.

Attached: Eunha_9845.jpg (1364x2048, 444.51K)

من الصعب حقًا التعبير عن العلاقة بين المعجبين والفنانين بالكلمات

Attached: jihyoy.jpg (800x1200, 191.01K)

thats based as fuck

based and cute

>not being born on 4/20
what a missed opportunity

Who will be gone first? Taeyeon or sera?

Yeah lol it was only 9 days late

stop projecting gayfag

You missed out on 20 minutes of stuff

see the vod immediately before

jinsoul the asiansoul

Taeyeon at this rate

theory: knowing how retarded twitter is, sera with her usual fakeness pretended to outrage, thus giving her more popularity (she has none)

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What's the best OMG song?

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i'm seething

hopefully (You)

the new one

Taeyeon would take Yeri and Key out with her. Possibly more

probably both in the same month. screencap this

she reacted the way she usually does: staring at the screen with her mouth open

come on i want her to cry

secret garden

she has that reaction to nearly all of nine muses videos as well

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seething dark skin-nim

wow it's literally nothing

That means Chen fugged someone in July, 9 months ago
Can any mathematicians confirm this?

I actually like SSFWL the most though

gothcatcher was fun times

Attached: 1585913135991.webm (1920x820, 2.37M)

Fuck that. She needs to keep her homicidal mania away from SM's two best idols.

SSFWL is pure kino

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sera needs a wife to take care of her

duration of pregnancy isn't always 9 months

Are you serious?

closer if you imagine the chorus is them encouraging you to edge closer to cumming

which kpop idols are cumdumpsters for white men?

call moon

i'm on my way to korea don't worry

Super Street Fighter With Love

iu plays a convincing bitch

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Banana Allergy Monkey

But not including that, Bungee.
yeeun is amazing

are the kfans still mad at him


the numbers don't lie

who this she cute

she described in detail how a strange man fondled her ass in front of her mother

who cares?

the true genius man's choice

key doesn't strike me as the suicidal type

babysoul is for korean dick

Attached: 1583554542198.webm (1100x1440, 2.78M)

word but this yeeun

is she a big titty goth gf tho?

He fugged kyungsoo to help him prepare for military life.

it's more that she plays a really, really convincing not-a-bitch

watch me mention taeyeon's dad on her vlive stream


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this is yeeun you fucker

PM is really bullshit. i'm surprised fans who experienced mobame actually tolerate the impersonality and shit tier quality of these messages.
"here is what i ate. stay healthy wizones"
or alternatively
"i did something fun today wizones. no i won't tell you what it was. have a good day"
"here's a picture from 2019. go fuck yourself, i mean good morning"

>SM confirms Chen is father to a daughter now

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post her freaking IQ

Her tiddies are a fine size.

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all JYP groups are slutpop

Just the tall ones. Small browns get blackpink. Blacks get rappers. Gooks own the rest.

>those angry reactions
holy shit they’re still mad? koreans really are mentally ill

>are they all... female?

Attached: 1586168574306.webm (690x690, 1.47M)

You just did with the last two digits of your post.

what are the comments saying, is there a translation yet

based and word

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Key is part of the depression squad
Which includes Yeri, Taeyeon, Suho, the rest of SHINee and probably some NCT'S idk

that's great

sua's too smol for her tits to be /that/ big

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how do we get people like this out of kpop

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is it just me or does everyone like yeeun?

I hope she has a :3 face like him.

Sera is a slugposter.

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imagine how much more content like that we would get if not corona

i don't know why some people are leaving the mad face reaction but at least its not the majority

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i feel a bit sorry for anyone whose career depends on pleasing twitter stans. having to monitor every single word and gesture much be some kind of special hell.


She goes by Ha:tfelt now

tf does that mean

Yeri is not suicidal

This is too sexual.

they'll kill themselves in due course, maybe even when trump wins a second term

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choose wisely kpg

>a normal, boring life with the occasional shitpost


>be taeyeon's caretaker for the rest of her life
>she trusts you fully and tells you everything about her 4 in the morning face to face in bed
>you live with her and listen in to all her complaints and late night cries and you have to console her
>no sex for the rest of your life

Naver doesn't have a comment section anymore and it's not trending on Nate yet

don't forget leeteuk onew and yoona

Attached: squid I SEE ITZY EP.10-ngWdkI0ctHk-[05.28.728-05.30.796].webm (750x1080, 1.09M)

i dunno, having a shotgun wedding and (evidently) hiding the pregnancy for a while and still staying in the group is a big deal, and it all happened to an EXO member no less

that's wonder girls yeeun

couldn't avoid getting an awful american second name from her parents though.

not a lesbian but if i could have lesbian sex with kang "slug" seulgi from red velvet, i would

we want the xiumin comeback

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guess you'd just repeat their name a billion times

Yenny is pretty based
>leads the first kpop girl group to chart in America
>releases solo banger after solo banger
>cucks all of korean men by making out with a white chad on american tv

no one calls her that because it looks retarded

is she having sex with other men?

the best clc along the porn-actress looking member

omo those thighs

cameraman is too based

SM will probably make a new EXO subunit for the soldiers when they return from the army

I really want to turn Gahslimmy into Gahpreggo

you'll have to wipe it off my chin

I said she has depression, which she 100% does, not that she's suicidal.

no they're just gonna add them to superm

yenny's latest release kinda sucked actually

SuA looks like ha:tfelt here

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>how do we stop gays from liking pop
it's like asking vegans to eat a McDouble

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Based Yeeun

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what’s zer favorite loona ep?

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Onew is included in the "the rest of SHINee" but yes I did forget Leeteuk who is arguably the leader

No way it's good and it's English. Sera's live reacting to it right now actually...

i cant wait for that azn jessica yaniv that analyses kpop videos to remove itself from the planet

Attached: 1587931568731.webm (1080x1080, 694.83K)

Tick tock leetuk and tayeon

I liked it.

you want the xiumin cum back

I don't wanna tik tok

jesus sera is going catatonic watching yeeun sing about how much everything sucks

Is she the lesbian or am I thinking of a different Wonder Girl?

>hasn't even enlisted yet
>will have to miss out a year and a half of his daughter's first few moments in life
what is chen gonna do bros

word, we want the cummable semen demon back

perfect from head to toe

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what did you mean by that friend?

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she's going to cry