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[HANTEO] 200429 @ 15:20 KST

#NCTDREAM 70,420 copies (70,420 total) [1st Day]


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as a ketchy i am constantly starting skirmishes on kpg while i bouncy bounce my balls to yonhi cams

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nct dream is my least favorite nct subunit which is saying a lot because i hate wayv too

Another good one with the benefit of looking like taeyeon

thinking about JiU...

last thread was kind of weird, can we post normally now?

imagine hating dream and wayv but not hating 127

honestly it's better for soomanlee to transform LOONA into an SM group than for him to rely on the hina and ningning uggos, just needs to make a few cuts here and there

Which fanbase is the most blastable?

sounds like you have shit taste tho...

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127 at least has some good songs, can't really say the same for the others except dream and their only good song is basically 127 lite

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>jisun with her face buried in a pillow doing downward dog
then after that, brb.

during the monthly kpg meeting we all decided that kpg is shit

Is this preorders?

we aren't for that

happy belated birthday to the most purehearted retard alive

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oops i'm sorry

straight male here, i fucking hate all gaypop fags unless it's that girl called minseok from exo in which case it's not gay

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Nice breasts :)


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post feet pls

onces, but only in the american school context of blasting.

twice really are the most busted gg jfc

NCT Dream's only good release was without Mark don't change my mind because you can't.

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death to ratshitters
may they suffer eternally


I'll be the judge of that

ngl i would actually like to see that happen, bbc keeps fucking things up, at least being bought by sm would give them a boost even if sm mismanages them

Ahn Yujin

Why does Wony act like a child?

song hayoung might look cute in girly dresses and what not
but we all know he wants to go back into his hoddies and be a mean ass nigga in the streets

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there are some really cute japanese reveluvs

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actually and legitimately meant for

mfal mogs every other nct single but mark was complete shit in it and boom was bretty gud so you're not entirely wrong

jeez bunny

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artificial fanbase is just a codeword for vocal minority

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Timestamp nigga

i hate loona.

except for heejin, hyunjin, haseul, yeojin, vivi, kim lip, jinsoul, choerry, yves, chuu, go won and olivia.

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>ningning uggo
Delete this you blind retard

the patrician thing to do is laugh at the existence of all parts of NCT and how much of a catastrophic failure it is

Post the one in which I think Momo squeezes Cub's boob. Then Cub makes a face and Momo smirks

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it's really simple
>no more lgbt pandering social justice bullshit
>world tour to scrape all the money off the twitter raostie fanbase
>remove the useless members i.e. gowon, hyunjin, vivi, haseul and yves
>more world tours
>remove gowon again

joy lesbian drama...

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what are you talking about
pedobait dream is the worst

why were exo all so fat?

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Oh my girl didn't pass the vibe check bros. Why do they keep doing this trap nigger shit?

warm her up

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Yup like our Sakura

wayv rakes in mad cash with sketchers cfs and xiaojun's numerous sponsors

>mark was complete shit in it

eunseo and sua need to do a duo

just did something to her very pure friend

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cubs neck you mean

handsome men are rarely handsome children

Post thighs

Would watch

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Loona is just SM's A-B testing ground now for his real ngg
which is why he gave them a song that is entirely unfitting to the group members

>no more lgbt pandering social justice bullshit
>remove the useless members i.e. gowon, hyunjin, vivi, haseul and yves
yves isn't useless

I want to see them eskimo kissing


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Are ya winning son?

name 1 healthy fertile looking female idol

Yves carried this whole comeback which has been their most successful retard

Yeah maybe but you know the one I'm talking about

eunseo and sua need to do me

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an AV duo

imagine sm rookies performing so what
that would be even worse
hes right tho it ruined butterfly, koreans dont want to see obese black people

funny story: that was cheng xiao's one big role on korean tv with several big A-list people in korean showbiz
and then china pulled her out literally in the middle of filming for some random drama, destroying her career in korea forever
fucking lol

Of you legitimately believe that Loona and/or the Mystic Story NGG is the SM new girl group you are beyond help

not him, but this one?

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>that look on her face

EXO Chen and his wife reportedly welcomed the birth of their daughter today

what ruined butterfly was loona only being in the mv for like 20 seconds

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vivi is the visual

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Yes I achieved victory over another poster in an earlier thread.

... yes... because the rest of it was full of tumblr faggot shit

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everything else they released in their noonabait days sucked but mfal was a genius piece of dusted off sheet music in the shinee throwaways folder
shut the fuck UP mark

Is starship retarded?

link the finishing blow

name of this very cute and pure south korean girl, whose skin is as white and soft as tofu?

post her feet

>imagine sm rookies performing so what
There's only two of them and at least one can sing well and the other passably

No it's from the same vlive that is from

based exodaddy


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all of them except Rose, Lisa, and the sticc girl from bvndit.

China is retarded

they can sing but their aptitude is clearly for cute shit like gfriend not girlcrush

and we still don't even know for sure who his wife is lmao

this slampig

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it was yuehua, she was getting double managed at that point and the other two chinks got removed to chink produce

guess the whole "7 months" thing being a lie was, well, a lie

Is this a gaypop in drag? That is a manly face.

no, showing the other chicks is fine. it's just that it was too much of that and not enough of the group.

thank you for posting my wife

One more clc comeback please. God please help them

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Yeah 400k sales and counting for 127's latest album sure is a catastrophic failure...

when you think about it, jisun is actually neomu neomu pure, she just has this unfortunate genetic defect where her face is always set on slut mode

she is SO beautiful.
why do you not stan Momo?

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>SNSD Taeyeon will hold V Live broadcast 'Happy for TAEYEON' on May 4 7pm KST to celebrate the release of "Happy"

She's going to have a breakdown on a live broadcast isn't she?

Everglow is fucked

김다현 (Gim Dahyeon)

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I hope to everything you're right and they do cuteshit and not girl crush. Ningning is pretty versatile though

>take off
you're right these aren't good they're great

the best kpop has to offer

Cube just announced it check it out

bit ominous considering her dad and grandma died in like the same month, and taeyeon coped by going home and putting on a school uniform

he really went and knocked that bitch up ages ago

Yeri will guest host and keep he from losing it

That's really mean


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>Everglow is fucked
I wish they were fucked by me

that may be so but it's presence isn't nearly as much of a total dealbreaker with korean audiences as a lot of you make it out to be.
not to mention that such an assumption would have to take into account the false notion that koreans are watching or listening to Loona in substantial numbers to begin with


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if they didn't add girls clc would have been top 10 by now

which is a valid criticism and was addressed in so what. niggers here despise loona just cause of twitter faggots rather than the actual content of the group and their music


Yeah good one dude. God im so upset



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take off kinda sucks but moonwalk was great and wayv easily had the best regular.
I guess stream notification bro is asleep

all versions of regular are trash tho


When are you twicefags gonna listen to other ggs?


>he's actually defending NCT


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The sales defend themselves.

I just want Alien and Ningning to debut. Who cares about Hina, she's uggo and has the audacity to be a dateslut on top of that and before debuting

how can kpop compete?


Has anyone told Sera about kpg yet? I hope nobody ever does.

speaking of yuehua being retards why did sihyeon go missing in action from the show

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where did you get that those who listen twice only listen twice?

red velvet

Attached: HeavyMealyIndianjackal-mobile.webm (640x1138, 248.4K)

Oh no a serious stream today

because all of everglow is in quarantine

shinee did the throwback concept better

she's definitely seen 'kpg' before but i doubt she knows what it means

If only I was a multi-millionaire. then I could save CLC

>overlined lip

you're not supposed to listen to wayv's regular, you're supposed to watch the mv on mute and let your imagination carry you off to a better place when the mechanical bull scene comes on

clc hwaiting!

i wish i had the money to create my own company

chewing gum is the best nct song

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Can I call you guys unnie

link a performance were they aren't lip syncing

she's got a couple of nice artificial fanbases if you know what I mean

NCT sucks ass aswell as most gaypop. nobody likes boybands

My girls mentioned.

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chain is the best nct song
the japanese version, the korean one sucks

why have they been quarantining for a full month instead of the recommended 14 days
that's just the obscene amount of facetune she uses getting confused

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I filter all non-Twice groups. Just added CLC to the list.

that would be kinda funny at first, then we would have a lot of american twitter roasties chimping the fuck out of this imageboard

how many things died for NCT

acceptable gaypop is BTS only. exo- monster is good, monsta x - who do you love is good. everything else is trash and homosexual

i'm gonna need nct to flop on the charts for omg to get some wins

I think she's hot and I like her horseface

this is nct's best song
if anyone wants to disagree they can meet me outside

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