Do you guys like Doja Cat?

Do you guys like Doja Cat?
I used to think she was a meme, but I recently heard her song "Say So" on the radio and it's actually really good.
Very well done disco-pop
She also has sex appeal and gives me PP extendo

Attached: Doja_Cat_-_Hot_Pink.png (300x300, 229.21K)

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She has some catchy hit songs, and I like how she recognizes that she is basically a meme.
But her albums overall haven't really been good

I liked that video where she made fun of russ and said nobody cared he produced his own songs but then she went back to riding his dick I hate this stupid world where mediocre people with huge egos like russ are seen as the winners

big fat ass


Nobody makes good albums anymore
There's no point because of streaming being the dominant form of music consumption

The Chad Doja vs the Virgin Russ

She seems super cool and she's pretty good at making beats, which is something a lot of rappers neglect. Also she makes my PP go extendo too.

She seems cool but is she batshit crazy like Azalea Banks?
I will say though, I prefer her more melodic songs versus her rapping about her pussy

roastie-core, she has some nice tits and ass though

obvious industry plant. jerked off and came to her in Say So. the dress she wears drives me crazy


interesting, i wouldve expected this one to be the coomer's pick

i was about to do that...

Is it just me or is she a really good dancer?
Like way better than Dua Lipa (while we're on the topic of female pop stars)

even i'm a better dancer than dua lipa

i dont care about her music but id eat her ass

She is hot as fuck though
I would do anything to sniff her Albanian British asshole

Does anyone else think Say So would be better without her rapping? In my opinion she's more talented as a singer than a rapper

She's pretty alright; not stellar or worth multiple relistens, but I'm alright with someone playing her for me. Her albums are passable, but when she makes a good song it's a good song.

can you post ass pics of her please, thanks in advance.

post her thighs

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i agree i dont like it when she raps. but shit say so is catchy as fuck

It really is. It's one of those rare modern pop songs that I liked on first listen.
It's also a good fuck you to the autistic zoomer Billie Eilish tier stuff

i dont know i literally just want to put my nose in her ass and pussy and smother myself bro.

heres 1 (one) thigh

Attached: 69066157_162994331427165_242374797775785580_n.jpg (1080x1080, 144.3K)

Good lord that's excessive.

pic sauce?

her insta

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I just jerked off to her "Juicy" video. Amazing ass.