This kills the boomer

this kills the boomer

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ironic chart?

I've listened to all of them and now I don't like myself as much as I used to

as does this

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never got into dopethrone, but i really like Witchcult today and a bunch of other stoner doom records

that James Blake album could literally not be more autotuned and fucked up lol

this chart is fucking gay

>metal today is pussy shit
>all the albums are soi garbage
holy fuck just get a non-tourist to do that part you know nothing about metal

>Ambient Dixieland

I hate metalheads and I love metal.

Why are metalfags obsessed with a literal bean? You realize it was all just a Yas Forums disinformation meme with no scientific basis right?

>complaining that a literal ENTRY-LEVEL chart doesn't include muh favorite niche obscure album
metalfags are pathetic and predictable

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If you're trying to win someone over on modern music with a chart, at least put good music on the chart.

I dont like your rap stuff man i like metal and hard rock OK

Ah yes, Julia Holter is the one ruling pop radio, not Imagine fucking Dragons.

>implying the likes of Electric Wizard, High On Fire, and Gorguts aren't literally old as shit and mainly comprised of boomer fans from the 90's or older guys who didn't like nu metal and put them up on a pedestal, which is the only reason you heard of them

You're an idiot

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This, if you're gonna make a bait chart like this...don't include bands that are ten to twenty years old that mostly have fanbases who applaud them for sounding like older bands.

Gorguts first album came out in 1991, and Electric Wizard came out in 1994 with their debut. They are much older than that.

Pop is missing St Vincent

>Metal today is pussy shit
>no Anaal Nathrakh
>no Nails

>this kills the boomer

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>that one To Be Kind reissue with Charli XCX on the cover
What was Gira thinking?

Gira is a Charliposter

None of this music is good and you are a poseur.

We don't like that shit homo.

there's only one good album on that chart lmao

>listening to lyrics outside of rap
but for what reason

who are you quoting

there's a little bit of truth in everything, most of what you see here is unknown to most people

The fact that several albums on this chart are from 10+ years ago goes to show what a sorry state 'modern music' is in.

what lol

It's the Bjork one, isn't it? Though personally I also like the KLatGW and the LCD ones.

>listening to lyrics in rap


literally 99% of this board.