How has Mu been sleeping on this youtube channel for soo long?

Seriously Mu, wtf? This kid has been single handily exposing the music industry, and you're all just sitting here posting in shit threads.

Attached: Mu supports child grooming.png (961x480, 701.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i expected a british lad with the queen poster lol

>hey guys its ya boy
aaaaaaaaand dropped

i will never watch any of your stupid videos Progresss but i would suck your dick, no homo

He needs to go for bigger fish

> t. corporate shills

This dude is doing actual journalism, while you're protecting corporate pedos.

I don't like pop shit dumb ass your faggy channel is just faggy, for faggots and will continue to be for faggots for the foreseeable future now get the fuck off my board dumb zoom zoom shit before I dilate your asshole with my big veiny hog

Attached: 1587691822611.webm (316x480, 1.89M)

>it's impossible to both want to smash this faggot's face in with a shovel and despise corporate culture
>he needs this faggot to tell him to avoid corporate music

good channel good content

Why should I care if Billie Eilish is an industry plant or not? It's not like her music would get any better even if she was a completely underground artist.

>Muh industry plants.

Everyone who makes it in that cum bubble is an industry plant. VBe thankful it's someone with a dash of creativity.

yeah i didn't ask what you liked. to reply to me schizo.

suck me hard dumbass

you're not talking about billie eilish clearly

16 year olds dont have sex, do drugs, or commit crimes, or lie, or cheat, or steal.

>who cares if corporations are pushing real artist out of the main stream, and promote unauthentic child stars that they groom and sexual for an adult audience.
>Just coomsume !!!

what a non argument

great post, really contributed to the conversation there.

1. Stop shilling your shitty channel
2. "Industry plant" discourse is for people with room temp IQ, no wonder it started with hip hop fans. The Beatles, David Bowie, The Clash, and Kate Bush were all industry plants if you apply to them the same criteria to you do to modern artists.

Something tells me that he would prefer having a dog lick peanut butter off his dick while you fuck him in the ass. Just trying to help you make an offer he'd find more appealing.

Why did this faggot feel the need to refer to shadowninja as a "smaller channel" rather than just give the credit and thanks? He just *had* to puff himself up as a bigger channel.

>Talking about Music, and how its unethically produce on a music image board is low IQ

No, your post is actually really low IQ. Reevaluate your retort.

>doesn't mention how shillie is a literal puppet of apple music
>doesn't mention how shillie won her grammy awards because she fits the standard grammy-winner paradigm (white, popular, well-connected, industry has a ton of stake in her)
>doesn't mention shillie's parents being highland park gentrifiers or how she promotes gentrification the same way gal gadot promotes israeli apartheid
Am disappoint.

The mainstream was build for that. There was not, there is not, and there never will be a place for "Real artist" in there.

Self-promotion isn’t allowed here

>>doesn't mention how shillie is a literal puppet of apple music
No she isn't.
>>doesn't mention how shillie won her grammy awards because she fits the standard grammy-winner paradigm (white, popular, well-connected, industry has a ton of stake in her)
Tumblr might be more your speed.
>>doesn't mention shillie's parents being highland park gentrifiers or how she promotes gentrification the same way gal gadot promotes israeli apartheid
Gentrification is good.

>Just accept that this industry takes advantage of young teens and sexualizes them.

lmao, no. I feel these people and practices should be brought to everyone's attention until consumers actually are outraged.

Quit strawmaning. This "Attention" won't come by having real artist in the mainstream.

>no argument
>actually agree with you on the last part about gentrification.

Take direct action then dipshit nobody and nothing will get done with your faggy youtube channel raising awareness. Go on a shooting spree or some shit directly to the source not random civilians like other retards
>inb4 glownigger
You know I'm right

>No she isn't.
They've promoted her from the beginning. She was even originally signed to a talent agency with connections to Apple which shaped her image before she was signed to Interscope.

>Tumblr might be more your speed.
No argument there, buddy.

>Gentrification is good.
Not when your landlord evicts you so he can move in a white hipster couple making twice your income.

theres no strawman. you're just explaining away a system that ruins peoples lives like its not a big deal. Your original argument is also a logical fallacy that appeals to tradition.
>its ok that music labels promote artist as if their a dyi artist when its actually a top-bottom operation.
thats basically what you're saying

ngl her mom is kind of hot

wow, great post.

>They've promoted her from the beginning
Apple promotes literally hundreds of artists through "Up Next" and similar programs, the reason you're not complaining about them is because most of them fade into obscurity.
>She was even originally signed to a talent agency with connections to Apple
An agency that was bought by Apple years after she already became successful. Nice try.
>shaped her image before she was signed to Interscope
There's literally no evidence of this.

Stop shilling your shit channel, faggot. You're fucking miserable

>Apple promotes literally hundreds of artists through "Up Next" and similar programs,
They gave her way more promotion that just that.

>An agency that was bought by Apple years after she already became successful. Nice try.
Platoon was affiliated with Apple years before being bought by them. That's how Billie got her Apple connections.

>There's literally no evidence of this.
Platoon provided her with a stylist and a publicist who shaped her image.