Punk appreciation thread

What are the best punk albums of all time?

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that garbage is not punk, fuck off

"garbage" literally the worst opinion i've seen on this board, this album is amazing

Best before 1984 by Crass is amazing.

the best punk album is london calling

Incomprehensibly bad take

Not really punk, but a good album

Good album, but it's a singles comp.

Not only is it not punk, The Clash no longer mattered after 1979.

Pic posted is best, most underappreciated punk album of all time.

Fuck, I'll bet nobody knows who this band is.

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But I will admit some (but definitely not all) of it's anger might fall a bit flat nowadays.

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sshit one

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don't know which but one of the stooges


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Folk Punk is always bad, prove me wrong

this and youth of america


Either Zen Arcade or Stiff Little Fingers' Inflammable Material

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70's punk was a shitty fad
early-mid 80's punk was what was good

cant be the best punk album if nobody knows who it is retard.

Folk Punk only has a bad image because it has been bastardized by tourist söyboys in the 00's and early 10's
the 80's and 90's stuff and the eastern european gypsy stuff is actually good

listen to that album, thats perfect folk punk.
and lifes a riot with spy vs spy


First GISM album
Fuck on the Beach - Endless summer
Any Netjajev SS album/ep
Maggot Sandwich - Get off the stage
Any Septic Death album/ep
Death Side - Bet on the possibility
Puke - Back to the pukeage
Doctor and the Crippens - Fired from the circus
Any Disclose album/ep
Pissed Happy Children - Pissed playground
Early Finnish hardcore.

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Forgot anything by Deep Turtle as well, madness.

fuck off mucore faggot. imagine getting your music taste from a chart that imageboard dwelling gayboys jerk off too

Do young people still listen to that stuff? I remember that listening to many of the albums mentioned itt was like a rite of passage where I lived

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why not?

Is there anything decent coming out from younger bands? Becoming painfully aware most of the punk gigs I go to are from bands who probably won't be around 10-15 years from now. I mean, christ, Charlie Harper is 75 now.

All punk sucks

>First GISM album
>implying M.A.N. and SoniCRIME Therapy aren't as great