I've been listening to this song twice a day since 2015. AMA


Attached: ore no waifu.jpg (1395x1405, 378.51K)

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Go to Yas Forums massive faggot

get fucked weeb

fuck off normalfag

moeblob it's worst
anti"weebs" fuck off

Kill yourself
You don't belong here.

Zoowee mama

sato sempai is best girl. i love girls with eyebrows, sad isn't trendie these days

Attached: nhkkkk.jpg (950x655, 118.86K)

why do you exist?

fucking weeb go back to /a

to post about death grips, swans and daughters ad nauseam

Based as fuck. Misaki a cute.

>everyone seething
i'm actually thinking kinda based

based, nhk soundtrack is god tier

desu the only song i care is that and the pururin song. also i only care about the manga is good not one of the best but good very good.

hitomi is best girl

Attached: nhktt.jpg (580x738, 61.76K)

finna based


after reading the manga what do you think is the real ending?

Can you sing it

Aren't you bored of it yet?

you do you

You should tell that to a girl on a date. She'll think you're joking and find it cute.

Trust me, I'm a professional girlfriend haver, currently have 10gfs, paid full time to have them.

Light novel is the most realistic and ofc best of all three versions


no shit. the real normalfags are the people who hate this show. a bunch of projecting normalfags

since when was nhk a normie anime? isn’t like everyone that’s watched naruto has seen it

I love you user

Don't listen to these seething fags, anime is based. Good on you OP.


One of the medium's best, the anime.

i became obsessed with this song after hearing it in an anime