Which do you pick?

which do you pick?

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Black Saint
Pink Moon
Abbey Road

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Just wipe all of them

pet sounds

>The Doors
If I pick those three and the rest is erased, then music history will barely be different (and if it does change, it will be for the better).

>Pet Sounds
>Velvet Underground & Nico
>Abbey Road

very easy d e s u

1. Since I Left You
2. Black Saint
3. OK Computer but honestly I could take or leave it

Pet Sounds
Wish You Were Here
Abbey Road

Wish You Were Here

once all the beatles albums are wiped i'll record the songs and pass them off as my own! I'll be rich!

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Death Grips
Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

hurts to say goodbye to the Doors s/t though.


pink moon

goodbye marquee moon and tv&n i will miss you dearly

All of them. So that I can bring all of these albums into existence, take credit for it, and be remembered as the greatest musical artist of all time.

Reign in Blood
Led Zeppelin IV
Wish You Were Here

imagine thinking Loveless or Marquee Moon is more valuable than The Money Store

all of you faggots who didn't pick ITCOCK literally deleted the entire prog genre out of existence in multiple alternate universes.
Oh but you still got your shoegaze and hip-hop, so who cares right...? FAGGOT

banana three times

its the worst death grips album bro ur not removing niggas on the moon the other albums are more important

Wish You Were Here
Abbey Road

In the Court of the Crimson King
Pink Moon
The Doors

>all of you faggots who didn't pick ITCOCK literally deleted the entire prog genre out of existence in multiple alternate universes.
Wasn’t my plan, but the outcomes are still good. So good.

mingus, abbey road, ok computer

>the first prog album
lmao, this guy

without TMS, you don't get the slicker production and synths that lead to all of that. You just get the punk hop of Ex-M.

Anyone picking ok computer is a basic bitch

>the first prog album
technically no, but the entire genre wouldn't of shot off without them. Nice desperate attempt at appearing knowledgeable in music though.



Reign in Blood

reign in blood
pet sounds

>genre wouldn't have shot off
>implying the Canterbury Scene wasn't already underway and American prog acts weren't already forming

lead zepplin and the beatles of course. I havent heard any of the others but the one with the banana looks cool LOL

the black saint , tvu & nico and the doors s/t. easiest picks of my life