Was it the cocaine, ketamine, or the veganism?

My money’s on vegan.

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it was the eating disorder

Yes, veganism is a eating disorder for retards and masochists.

I unironically think she's still really cute.

god, shut up

Absolutely fuckin' based if you are in the right setting and just wanna do some high energy shut
Fantastic if you just wanna chill and watch a movie, listen to some music etc.
Fucking cringe
Absolutley fucking based and resonable

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Probably the rape


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Spotted the hangry fag vegan. Lol.

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She deserved it. Could you imagine “dating” her instead? A nightmare.

It’s the only thing that makes me cum buckets, user. Im talking buckets. Just the thought of cutting the throat of a calf, makes me...

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Wasn't talent

That's because you're a beta male. In order to feel powerful, you need to harm and destroy.

Did Fantano's review make Fiona Apple the latest target of incel rage? Lol wtf she's been around since the 90s

>Yes, veganism is a eating disorder for retards and masochists.

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I’ve never been accused of that. Maybe you’re projecting? Or the veganism has rotted your brain? Who knows.

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Triggered herbivore men detected

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she's one of those lolsorandom tumblr chicks


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She looks like a stereotypical crackhead. I would know because thats the kind of people my mom hangs out with.

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>I’ve never been accused of that.
Perhaps it's time to reflect.
>Maybe you’re projecting?
No, I wouldn't consider myself an alpha male, but I don't feel the need to harm animals, as I'm a well-adjusted person.
>Or the veganism has rotted your brain?
Veganism is the healthiest diet. If anything's rotting your brain, it's the literal rotten meat you consume. Perhaps that's why you consider ugly mutts to be attractive.

based rapist

Objectively true

>Veganism is the healthiest diet.
user I

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Can anyone help me here, or is this just stuffed with cope?

Yeah, you’e right, vegAnon. Millions of years of evolution eating meat to grow our brains: bad. Veganism has only existed for 40 years : “The perfect diet.”

The willful ignorance mixed with arrogance is worse than feminist cringe.

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yeah. in my most private thoughts, i believe my veganism is just the most functional solution i've found to my anorexia. i even sometimes make jokes about how the food i eat is 'just a prop.'
i still drink often, so obviously i don't care that much about my health.

Actulaly, it’s funny you should mention that. A good friend of mine who I have known since university had anoxia, and was hospitalized during our senior year.
She transitioned to veganism, and it helped her a bit.
Now? She eats nothing but meat. And I’ve never seen her in such a healthy state. She actually has muscles now. I don’t know how the hell she started eating meat, but i think it helped psychologically that she just eats one thing.

scientifically, it certainly is