Is "poptimism" ever going to go out of fashion? I'm getting tired of it

Is "poptimism" ever going to go out of fashion? I'm getting tired of it.

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Probably not. It has the benefit of seeming both socially progressive (praises women and minority artists instead of boring old white male rock or whatever) and yet playing perfectly with corporate interests (encouraging critics and the media to praise already huge stars) and also being very easy for ordinary people in that it just reinforces what most of them are already into. Really it's a surprise it didn't take off sooner, but I don't see it ever going away.

We can't let this go on forever, surely? I can't take it user. I can't take this level of worship for basic bitch bubblegum pop any longer. And the retroactive reappraisal of shit like Britney Spears as somehow now being considered "high art". It HAS to stop.

>It HAS to stop.

It's part of the natural progression of popular music as a whole. Stick with art music and traditional music.

It depends on what you mean by poptimism. If you mean "normals consuming whatever is in front of them" then no almost certainly not. If you mean "hipsters consuming lowbrow junk" then the answer is also probably no.

We can approach this in a number of ways. Firstly, I think lots of people will always have in their mind a simple and humble feeling where they don't mind what is popular or straightforward. Let's call these guilty pleasures. People don't mind the inoffensive. People even enjoy the lowbrow on a joking level, and we can see this enhanced by the internet especially.

I think the real question of poptimism should be "what actually is pop music?". We can see that throughout time that the definition has come and changed. Jazz used to be the popular music. Rock and its derivatives used to be popular music. A lot of what is discussed on Yas Forums can be described as pop or popular music. The phrase "pop music" itself is not really entirely useful

This is the part where things become a little cynical. Mainstream pop music right now isn't very highbrow in opinion, even though this is subjective. I think it isn't unreasonable to suggest that pop music as a business has become very routine and tested in terms of composition and marketing. The people that we call poptimists might just be the result (at least partially) of record labels making buzz. Journalists and press control pretty much everything. Journalists and press are motivated by money. It is fully in a journalist's interest to promote the popular artists, or at the very least talk about them. And this isn't something new, it's pretty old going back for several decades. It is more cynical and noticeable today (in my opinion) because we have the knowledge and resources to every kind of music, in addition the fact that mainstream music is stagnant (again in my opinion).

what the fuck kind of bizarro world are you living in where britney spears is considered high art

i think you're looking for shit to get mad about bro

I will never get tired of rockists seething about poptimist. Cry more, faggot.

well there are critics who act like billie eilish is deep

In the end I think music criticism and appreciation circles are just going to fragment into more specific bubbles. There's always going to be people who aren't into pop and people who are more or less only into pop, we're just in a weird intermediate state right now because before people who mostly listened to top 40 stuff didn't bother with music criticism or take music too seriously in general but with the rise of youtube critics, streaming and forums like /r/popheads, taking music at least somewhat seriously has recently become easily accessible to everyone, and we haven't had time for the newly profitable poptimist sphere and the more traditional music nerd sphere to seperate themselves. You see publications like Pitchfork trying to work out some awkward halfway point between the two but in the end they're going to continue their slide into full corporate poptimism and people who aren't into it will ignore it just as easily as they ignore, idk, Guardian music reviews, and focus on smaller, non-poptimist critics and forums.

>what the fuck kind of bizarro world are you living in where britney spears is considered high art
There's this sub-movement of the poptimist crowd lately where they are trying to retroactively change the perception of late 90s/early 00s bubblegum pop eg. Britney Spears, Spice Girls, that was previously viewed as shit and outdated, into being "classics of their time". And they're trying to flip the old music snob terminology by arguing you are a "pleb" or have "bad taste" if you think the top chart hits of 20 years ago are not automatically classics.

I can't take it anymore user. They're destroying music.

I have a pet salamander called Frank

That's what you get for falling for the popular music jew. Little do you know, your shitty rock music is also fucking garbage but you've been brainwashed into thinking it's superior too. STOP listening to popular music, it's ALL worthless. I'm telling you this for your own good.

Honestly as retarded as it is I respect it, I'd actually respect poptimists more if more of them tried to argue for the value of older popstars who were unfairly swept under the rug by the rockist establishment or whatever other nonsense they might say. If nothing else it seems to imply some sort of authenticity to the whole poptimist movement, as opposed to just seeming like a lowest common denominator corporate scheme to keep people talking about whoever they want to be charting right now.

Classical music already got BTFO by Jazz like half a century ago get back to violin practice faggot

>Classical music already got BTFO by Jazz
Mutt's cope.

why is she not user? because she's got 6 grammys?

Jacob Collier has two

the fuck is poptimism, am I out of touch?

It's just more electro pop r&b shit

changing music history =! destroying music. i'm glad they're being considered classics of their time. why shouldn't they be? michael jackson sounds super fuckin 70s and 80s, he's still considered a classic. or are you mad about that too?

Poptimism = claiming pop can be art too, especially top charting pop

good point, he sucks. why can't billie be deep then? i don't even like her but i'll argue for pop music's ability to be genuine

>Remember not to get too close to stars
>They're never gonna give you love like ours

wow so deep im touched

>bitching about people liking things you dont
>not liking pop music is the sign of a completely musically and culturally ignorant person

I agree 100%. I don't mind the existence of silly pop fluff, there's a market for it and that's totally fine. I absolutely loathe the "progressive" corporate narrative though. Imagine being a kid, looking at a pop star strip naked on stage, and then having the idea that it's "profound art" instilled in your mind. It's ridiculous. It's not only degrading to the art form, but also the future of music. Future generations are not going to produce many quality musicians due to this stupidity.

>Future generations are not going to produce many quality musicians due to this stupidity.
There have never been any quality popular musicians. I bet you think The Beatles and David Bowie are good. Most quality musicians are underground and won't care for popshit, but keep seething at something that has been happening for decades now.

thanks user
alright i looked at the top 40 chart, and these are the current top 10
is any of this shit even remotely good?

Attached: top40shit.png (392x845, 330.17K)

>I bet you think The Beatles and David Bowie are good

>There have never been any quality popular musicians. I bet you think The Beatles and David Bowie are good. Most quality musicians are underground and won't care for popshit, but keep seething at something that has been happening for decades now.

I never claimed that popular musicians are quality. I don't believe that. I fully agree that the vast majority of quality music never becomes successful in the general popular market. I'm referring to the culture Poptimism is creating. When the industry places so much emphasis on Pop, presenting it as legitimate profound art, young people will be less inclined to seek out anything different or meaningful because they'll be conditioned to believe the Poptimist narrative. That will have a rippling effect on music overall.

the box is hilarious. it's not literally those things tho, it's only pop that's actually good. i'm friends with poptimists so i would know. they're among us even here
>maggie rogers
>carlie rae jepsen is the queen of it
>dorian electra, lately
>dua lipa prolly

Your average poptimist will tell you that Dua Lipa and Weeknd are good. The ones that take it even further will tell you that nu-Gaga, Drake, Doja Cat and Harry Styles are good.

>I can't take it anymore user. They're destroying music.
Please bitch more. If you don't like pop don't listen to pop. Explain to me how pop music threads are preventing you from listening to other music or making threads about other music.

Gonna make a bold claim here: the people who actually have the mental capability to make good music also have the mental capability not to be ruled by any poptimist narrative.

new dua lipa album is good, don't really like the weekend but i've heard his new album is pretty good too. just because it's top 40 doesn't mean it's bad, i think "poptimism" is mixed up with literal twitter-tier faggots thinking all top 40 is good
like said it's more that a lot of pop CAN be good

Creating a narrative which changes the perception of the genre in order to legitimize the crap it produces is an issue. Nobody here is claiming "Pop music bad" for the hell of it. Pop music can and should exist. Poptimism is the problem we're discussing here.