What's more patrician? 2012 Yas Forums or 2020 Yas Forums?

What's more patrician? 2012 Yas Forums or 2020 Yas Forums?

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if everyone in 2012 listened to this, then 2012 for sure. but that would be a lie.

>not basic

what the fuck

i'm going to have to say 2012 because anything by les rallizes is unfathomably based

>France Gall
>Ry Cooder
this is very based

Aphrodite's Child - 666 is unfathomably based and the best album on that entire chart.

imagine thinking Kraftwerk was cool and influential

t. has only listened to their synthpop shit

2020 Yas Forums because these are literally considered entry-level now and most of us already listened to that entire chart

What's on the 2020 patrician core chart?

avant-teen shit like EAI, Lowercase, Modern Classical, Onkyo, etc.
slightly off-kilter rock doesn't cut it anymore, it needs to be completely unlistenable or mindbogglingly boring to be considered patrician

i know the dude who recorded ry cooder with that indian dude, something on the river. you got good taste user

i've seen quite a bit of these artists on here recently

very solid chart bro

That's really cool man. The Paris, Texas OST really got me into his work. He's very underrated.

that serge gainsbourg album is 10/10

Haven't heard it, gonna take a listen now. Hope ya rating holds up.

I always forget just how far down the weird music rabbit hole I am until I talk to someone who completely writes off anything remotely dissonant or abstract as pretentious. This includes other musicians I know

in 2012 bruh

I like the chart with happy trails more

Pretty enjoyable user ty. I really liked the percussion throughout it but the woman laughing in En Melody really caught me off guard. Her talking parts are very soothing though.


What are the best albums on this? I've only heard:
>Can- Ege Bamyasi
>Lounge Lizards- (s/t)
>Contortions- Buy
>Serge Gainsbourg- histoire
Also heard Soft Machine 1 and 3, but not 2. Is it good? are the others good? halp

The Ascension

thanks, heard good things about it. will check it out

Brainstorm - Smile a While
Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Press Colour
Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends
Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Music From the Penguin Cafe

Exuma is cool it's like Bahamian folk funk

If you've only heard 4 albums off this, just fucking go in on every single one. There are albums on it that are pretty boring IMO (like that Colosseum one), but shit like Comus, Exuma, Stark Reality, Mannuel Gottsching, Joe Meek, Amon Duul, Os Mutantes, The Congos, and more are all amazing.

The Monks should be required listening for anyone who wants to talk about rock music especially.

it was also entry level in 2012 you zoomer

I love all you homies so much I could kiss you rn

is this the CLT list

looks very similar, but not perfect replica from my memory

the fun part starts once you've listened to all this and convince yourself you've reached the end of music and then go into the real deep waters and realize how you've barely scratched the surface