The logical conclusion of rock music

the logical conclusion of rock music

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>every song is stolen
what did they mean by that?

talking about "stolen riffs" or melodies in rock music is like complaining why the sky is blue. also assuming those melodies are THAT simmilar as some claim, fall melodies were sampled too and what's more important their musical approach was replicated by endless groups and inspired a lot of artists making them one of the most influential groups in indie rock from the last 40 years

>literally just copies guitar riffs from other songs

good album

OP here, meant to post these

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none of these would even be the fall's 6th best record

>middlebrow version of parliament funkadelic/afrobeat
>middlebrow version of dub/krautrock

>stolen riffs
>rock music
>hip hop sampling


finally posted the correct album, yall are welcome

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Yup, keep coping

i like the fall but if u have the frenz experiment over entertainment! you have severe autism

think it has to do with the persona of musicians being recycled and musicians being shitty people
or does it have to do with the association with dad/foxy grandpa rock

i don't think the frenz experiment is their 6th best album, idiot. my top 6 are this nation's saving grace, hex enduction hour, perverted by language, the wonderful and frightening world of, grotesque and live at the witch trials.

the fall is so fucking overrated. rather listen to guided by voices the superior drunk frontman band


still retarded, take off witch trials and frightneing world and replace those with the fall in a hole live record then that would be acceptable.

>frenz experiment
it's not important but one of malkmus favourite records

gbv is king gizz for alcoholic midwestern dads SOURCE; my dad and his friends

they're actually one of, if not the most underrated band of all time.

i'm not going to take off two excellent albums that i love because you don't like them, fuck face.

not even the best fall LP from 1988

>they're actually one of, if not the most underrated band of all time.
>not even the best fall LP from 1988
sure but you can say it's malkmus favourite considering his pop interpretation of fall music

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you should probably listen to that live record some more and you would thank me later

and ur right abt kurious oranj slapping

>mark e smith worshipping imposters
... recent groups coming to my mind to name a few are idles, ought, fountaines dc, protomartyr, parquet courts, shame, sleaford mods

imagine thinking this. why are Fallspergs such insufferable tastelets?

i generally don't include live albums in lists like that, but i'll listen to that album just for you desu. sorry for being hostile.

i like all of these albums, the last three especially. still, the best 6 fall records are better than them.

because i can listen funk, afrobeat, dub, krautrock instead of their watered down arty college version?

except Y and Metal Box hardly even sound like anything from the genres they were influenced by. you're actually retarded if you think most dub sounds like Metal Box or that most funk sounds like Y

>why are Fallspergs such insufferable tastelets?
aphex twin or autechre have good taste though

>you're actually retarded if you think most dub sounds like Metal Box or that most funk sounds like Y
so at the end you're accepting they sound like those genres and that was my point at the beginning retard