
Die Walküre Edition


>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #3. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #5. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #6. Yellow Piss stuff. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy Folder.
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #2. Comprehensive list of the most important harpsichord and piano pieces through history
>Book Folder #3. Harmony, Composition, Counterpoint and Orchestration


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Other urls found in this thread:


i am reposing this in the new thread for visibility because it was one of the last posts in the old thread


i created a midi visualization of another composition somebody posted a few generals ago and everybody liked. it includes the first two movements. more will come. i hope everybody enjoys it!


the brandenburg concertos and the harpsichord concertos and many partitas and suites





In the realm of music Beethoven's style has often been copied to the point of excess, and it still is. I mean, isn't Brahms, at bottom, just a caricature of Beethoven? Isn't all this pretension to depth, power, and strength loathsome when the content he pours into the Beethovenian mould is lamentable and insignificant? Even in Wagner (whose genius, by the way, is indisputable), wherever he overreaches himself, that is essentially a product of Beethoven's spirit.

Louis-Hector Berlioz

>lol Brahms is bad
the STATE of this general

>I'll only stick to Tchaikovsky's letters that don't mess my narrative up thank you very much



who are the beethoven stans best to worst?

Tchaikovsky never changed his mind on brahms actual music though
And his critique is spot on

Beethoven himself was constantly retreading mozart's steps, even when he was deaf he couldn't stop calling out to mozart who still remained so far ahead
It's almost sad

ok dude
>This might make it seem as if Tchaikovsky's appreciation of Brahms remained static over these twenty years. But actually it was not so!
>in a letter of 2/14 October 1888 to Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, he spoke of the "noble purity" of Brahms's musical endeavours
>Probably the main reason why Tchaikovsky had nourished such animosity towards Brahms before he actually met him was the way in which influential German critics, above all the highly conservative Eduard Hanslick (1825–1904), had been proclaiming Brahms to be the guardian of the classical tradition bequeathed by Beethoven against the 'decadent' tendencies of Liszt and Wagner. Quite apart from his dislike of Brahms's more restrained style, Tchaikovsky was angered by the way these same critics ignored or rubbished his own works on the few occasions that they had been performed in Germany so far and instead held Brahms up as the paragon for symphonic writing
>he reflected in his Autobiographical Account on how Brahms lacked a gift for beautiful melodies, and how his music in general had "something dry, cold, nebulous, and vague which repels the Russian heart".

As you can see his vitriol was a mere projection of his insecurities onto what the german audience (which didn't care for his works) hailed as the revelation of its time, and his unfavourable opinion towards Brahms music, once that resentment dissipated, boils down to a disagreement on what should be central in music: Lyricism (Tch) or structure (Brm). You can read the whole thing, read his Autobiographical Account, read the collection of letters collected by his brother Modest, and you'll find more than enough evidence that these very quotable attacks are unfounded and that, while he never became a fan of Brahms' work, he saw the worth in them. But anyway, stretch and twist all material available to suit this current trend, and then we'll move on to hate someone else

What you have said is great, user.

>not classical notation
You got my hopes up, user.
Do you have any plans to further edit this work?

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Not at this stage, user. May I ask why?

>in a letter of 2/14 October 1888 to Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, he spoke of the "noble purity" of Brahms's musical endeavours
Musicians never spoke their actual musical opinions to nobles, out of fear of offence. Say the wrong thing and you get locked up like bach.
Pure speculation
>he reflected in his Autobiographical Account on how Brahms lacked a gift for beautiful melodies, and how his music in general had "something dry, cold, nebulous, and vague which repels the Russian heart
You ignore all but the russian in order to push your narrative of tchaikovsky being blinded by nationalism. In reality the german school had a distinct style worthy of critcism. Tchaikovksy was right once again. His critique still stands

today's symphony is Brucker's 3rd, performed by Jochum & bavarian radio symphony orchestra
i don't know enough about music to pinpoint why it got nicknamed Wagner tho >_>
sounds pretty

>You ignore all but the russian in order to push your narrative of tchaikovsky being blinded by nationalism
When the fuck was that my narrative? Can you stop twisting everyone's words around, including Tchaikovsky's?
>His critique still stands
Only according to your personal criteria.

At first I really enjoyed your work and then I started to make a piano reduction of the Prologue and getting into the details with the score in front of me made me feel like there were a handful of things that I want to change.
I don't know. I hate everything I touch.

>I hate everything I touch.
do you masturbate a lot

>Tchaikovsky was lying to Konstantinovich
Pure speculation

This guy looks like a pedo lol

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Are you alright, user?

Probably not. I might share what I have the weekend after next if I don't drop it.
I'm torn between a pure piano reduction and a theme and variation type work.

sorry user that's just what i do. there are thousands of notation videos for nearly every piece imaginable, and in my oppinion midi visualizations just look nicer and are a better listening aid.


I feel like when Tchaikovsky said that Brahms music was endlessly developing without resolve it was because Tchaikovsky's own resolves are so highly pronounced. It's just a difference in style, and Tchaikovsky took it back when he understood that he cannot judge others the same way he judges himself when they have different goals,

premier begins now. youtube.com/watch?v=qEbzoJgIjb0

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For some reason I never listened to him but now I am and it’s amazing


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Thoughts on Berg?

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best op 1

I imagine he dilates.

