This is the future of music that I imagined when I was a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s

This is the future of music that I imagined when I was a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Attached: steroids.jpg (316x316, 26.38K)

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Their best work

And their most energetic.

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that death grips was the best band of the 2010s? I can't picture someone arguing against that seriously and not just for the sake of being a contrarian

swans trilogy was way more important than dg

Muh spooky transcendent post-rock, who gives a fuck

to who?

I like nu Swans but no
I mean pretty much as far as bands go

Swans is a band from the 80s user
Just because they released music in the 2010s doesn't mean they are a musical movement from said decade, if anything they just continued to contribute to the musical landscape but in no way Swans has been as influential and relevant for music as Death Grips has.
Swans was mostly paid attention to because of Anthony Fantano than because this generation organically resonates with their music

historical importance =/= quality

Is there anything else that sounds like Steroids? I have listened to actual gabber but it doesn't really sound that much like Steroids.

Attached: arctic fox.jpg (650x425, 49.2K)

Outside of a few songs off the end of Government Plates, I really don't think so. I've been looking for more as well. A few machine girl songs (Machinegirl vs worlfgirl, bullet hell) do it for me but it's not quite the same.

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>Swans has been as influential and relevant for music as Death Grips has.
death grips hasn't either. unless u guys are stop hyping on fucking yeezus then pls stop
fucking shitty ass pc music is about to be more influential if that 100 gecs sound dominates the 2020
and if u wanan talk about true influence. i dont remember death grips invented trap and having that shit dominate the whole decade with its 808s
i like both bands and dg was very interesting. but far as albums last decade goes dg never even made my top 10

Is there anyone else who writes lyrics like MC Ride? His lyrics aren't always that great but when he's at the top of his game he is like on another level.

Attached: apu matrix.gif (640x480, 1.26M)

He's really good but he relies on the word "fuck" way too much.

Cringe. Death Grips is overrated shit.

>can we all agree that death grips was the best band of the 2010s?
Absolutely not.

>Swans was mostly paid attention to because of Anthony Fantano
Holy shit imagine actually believing this.

death grips are shit and i'm tired of pretending they're not

Attached: cover7[1].jpg (853x480, 33.04K)

Anons this might sound kind of weird but the first Death Grips song I ever heard was The Fever back in 2012 and I instantly connected with it so much that I felt like I had already heard it before. Like I had always known this song. Does anyone else know what I mean?

Attached: Death_Grips_-_The_Money_Store.jpg (250x250, 17.08K)

>Popularized blown out bass that modern trap/pop emulate
>songs about modern issues like technology and the age of information
>blends "outdated" styles and genres with modern "relevant" styles.


lil b did all of that in 2010-2011

>Swans was mostly paid attention to because of Anthony Fantano than because this generation organically resonates with their music
what the fuck ha
imagine posting this and thinking you are smart
god damn american teenagers are the worst

yes, but he's not a very good musician.
innovation without actual substance is utterly meaningless.

Definitely, but I wish he made more sense.

>However I wouldn't be surprised if some of the songs have lyrics that are freestyled in one take, like most (or all )
of bottomless pit and NOTM

>innovation without actual substance is utterly meaningless.
not true btw

I'd say so yeah.

Swans may have had an influence on bands in the eighties and nineties but their influence today is practically naught.
Best? No. They started out doing something interesting but have recently gotten stale (OP’s pic was pretty great though). Best artist of the decade for me has to be Tim Hecker or Grouper.

One of the best, definitely. *The* best is debatable. They're in my top 3, though.

>Best Band