Soundcloud shill are the most pathetic lifeform on this board...

soundcloud shill are the most pathetic lifeform on this board. describing their music with some random non-existent genre and thinking it's making it look """indie""".

>Cyber Blues
>Future Rock
>sound collage
>Acid Beats
>cloud beat
well damn nigger if you're so innovative why does it sound shit literally 100% of the time.

>field recordings
>sound art
sub-100IQ retards really love these ones too

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Other urls found in this thread:

>inspired by the disintegration loops


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imagine making such shit music you have to project by making this thread

I just use Punk Rap

They're just trying to get more followers and those are bullshit marketing terms so people are more likely to check them out

imagine spending all of your free time either "producing" or shilling your subpar music, you'll never be a real musician

>Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in North America and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In music or any form of creativity. And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note. I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.

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why are you hating on people who actually play music and make shit here? at least they make something original, unlike frogposters.

>inspired by the disintegration loops
look at this one, you really set the bar way up for us, buddy. truly 1 in a million retard.
kek this unironically. these people don't do it for the love of music they are chasing social approval and failing miserably.

Got bad feedback on your music, huh little homie? Well don't worry about it, just keep grinding and one day you'll get there!

>imagine having a hobby other than consuming shit!
>imagine being creative and passionate hahaha lmao what a bunch of losers

>these people don't do it for the love of music
they don't project this hard in cinemas

kpop threads are. go in there sometime. it's mental illness
at least the soundclowns are trying to be creative

but if any of them had any talent someone would've noticed. that's what none of them realize. sad

you're these people no one other would defend your dumbass.
damn the hobby of being perpetually in a shillthread or making nigger beats. you're chasing some nigger tier """clout"""

there's only one worthwhile project in those threads and it's obvious who i'm talking about

i have kpop threads filtered but they at least are getting some kind of masturbatory enjoyment out of it. soundclowns are like stockholm victims always chasing some approval, and it's always shit music

they actually make music though. you may not like it, but they're trying to record something and produce a creative work. you're posting decade old frog memes on Yas Forums. at least make an oc meme

>he's listened to all of them

>trying to record something and produce a creative work
soundclound threads are literal nigger tier beats and "clout" chasers. these people are barely self-aware. they don't create shit.

Like max 20% of them are hip hop dude, stop being a fucking liar and hating on people for having a passion

it should be obvious just scrolling through any thread who im referring to, no listening required

OP is a troll and a bad one at that.

Sage bitch

sage is not a downvote you absolute redditor
? ok buddy
yet 100% are shit

name them
or, if you prefer to play this game,
post a thread in which the obvious person is obvious
I'm genuinely interested

my theory is that talent will out. in the end, talent will out. literally everything i've ever clicked on in those threads proved that theory

I'll tell you the real secret to heavy sounding guitars

Sharing is caring

You probably only click on hip hop links. There are genuine talented people in those threads, you're just a fucking loser with bad taste or a hater who got bad feedback

you're not wrong. all these made-up genres are cringe and for faggots who want to pretend that their music is more interesting than it is.

That's why whenever I shill my shit I call it what it is. It's just indie folk. There's really nothing more to it, and I hope the music itself is fucking interesting enough.

ive been on Yas Forums before you were suckling your dads dick


A lot of these are genuine genres.
>sound collage
>field recordings
Do you even listen to music, retard?

holy trips of truth he's right

>You probably only click on hip hop links.
I usually look for good artwork so no
>you're just a fucking loser with bad taste
this is just what OP meant. I made a totally undirected statement and you take it extremely personally. I usually just click on the first few posts every once in a blue moon dude chill.

what's pathetic is how triggered people in this thread are. people who are at the point of posting their shit on 4channel need to have a idgaf attitude. geez sorry I indirectly blanket insulted your high level Yas Forums tier art. post your shit I'm genuinely interested

but they suck

hello, retard. learn reading comprehension. i even separated the paragraphs.

ambien drone etc. etc. are genres that any retard could make something out of. and yes it's always shit but its "harder" to tell. that's why they love them so much

Wow, I stand corrected