Thoughts on Kim Petras's body of work?

Thoughts on Kim Petras's body of work?

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She's really cute.

oh my fucking god do we really need another one of these shitty bait threads

I beg your pardon?

bunheads stay winning, but dr. fluke is no good. Saying clarity is trash indicates a critical lack of taste.

Her lewd songs are pretty based.

i would

That's a man

an gross eunuch



I don't know, I don't support trannies.

never heard any of her solo work but her verse on Unlock It slays

>body of work

Pretty nice body. Talk about man-made

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she has that depressed/high (benzos) look I see on a lot of young women these days


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Turn Off The Lights is a really great Halloween album (having Elvira on one of the tracks reminded me of Vincent Price on Thriller)

>no ass
What's the point?

Sorry. I'm not into objectifying women.

1,2,3, Dayz Up is her best song.
Yeah. She and Charlie are gr8 together, J*y P*rk's verse ruined the song :(

>J*y P*rk
thank god for the official upload that removes him. i love Chali but what was she thinking letting him ruin the song like that

Ikr? Unlock it would be THEE PC anthem, if not for his verse. The only reason I didn't prefer POP2 to N1A was bc of some of the trash features. (Tove Lo? Really?)

You don't think they're xanny zombies?

xanny is benzos. could also be oxy. had an ex on oxy (she had a script, but I think she overmedicated) and she has the same facial expressions

ba dum tss

"her" head is literally a block. but "her" singing voice is genuinely very good especially that little yodel thing "she" does. and "she" pretty much makes perfect pop

no charli thread up so this will have to do for the sissy hypnosis agenda pushing

her music's pretty good but i don't ever really actively listen to her anymore
i'll for sure sing along if someone else plays her though

jay park's verse was trash but out of my head is one of the best songs on pop 2 cmon user

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Get in the clubq zoom

i forgot that was happening tonight thank you user

>the sissy hypnosis agenda pushing
shhh don't tell them

its fine, they'll never believe it :')

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>sissy hypnosis agenda pushing

some schizo incel elaborated a theory that PC music posting is some sort of jewish psyop to feminize men with sissy hypno music or some shit like that, your usual Yas Forums cope i guess

I want to fuck her in the ass bro's. life is unfair

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Ben Shapiro


stream claws

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