This song literally uses an Aphex Twin type instrumental. How is she not a genius?

This song literally uses an Aphex Twin type instrumental. How is she not a genius?

Attached: be20502489.png (595x597, 580.19K)

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Aphex Twin is not good. Billie Eilish is not good.

>aphex twin type instrumental
thanks i needed this laugh holy shit man

wouldnt aphex twin be the genius in this case? why not a billie eilish type instrumental?

>This song literally uses an Aphex Twin type instrumental.

Attached: dasdfghj.jpg (387x437, 39.55K)

She doesn't produce the music retard her brother does

She directs everything.

>Why yes we listen to Aphex Twin, Have a Nice Life and Everything Everything, how could you tell?

Attached: billie-eilish-finneas-oconnell.jpg (2000x1333, 313.25K)

Aphex Twin is edgy.

This song is a lullaby meant to be played inside a Forever 21.

>Aphex Twin type instrumental