Tourism: the Album

Tourism: the Album
top 1 deep house record on rym and 10k ratings lmao

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Cause it's based you faggot

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Very accessible yet still excellent album. Glad people are getting into House music who might not have otherwise

RYM is garbage as far as electronic music goes. The whole site is massively biased.

I don't get how it's accessible compared to any other deep house album

Why are bleeptards so obnoxious

>Tourism: the Album

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>mfw the actual best deep house record only has 373 ratings

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RYM is trash for finding electronic music, I must rely on discogs and my recs mostly

What did they mean by this?

Name a comparable album

>most of the records that reccs me are just ones ive listened to under a different name
why do i even use this website anymore?

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resident advisor is pretty good for electronic music

>but bro genre tourism isnt bad because...... i like album and ...... yea

i try stay away from them though, due to tranny and gay shilling and promoting "kweer" misogynists from my country. And I don't care about modern electronic honestly and first i want to get to know obscure old shit
I liked some lists of Fact, found some nice house, techno and trip-hop by them. I go through issues of older magazines like Muzik, they had pretty decent guides

>resident advisor is pretty good for electronic music
maybe 10 years ago

What is it user?

But no one is getting into house music from it. Genre tourism albums rarely actually encourage people to further explore a genre, they just encourage people to cross another genre off the list of "genres I can say I'm into because I listened to the most accessible album"

why electronic music all of sudden must be infiltrated by talentless trannies that are rated high due to being trannies

who gives a fuck about ratings just use the platform as a way to discover new music and form your own opinion

ye man i use it like that but dang they had to put that one in top 1 it’s kinda funny u know

not tellin'

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alright so we add this, what else?

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Because trannies ruin every online community there is even though they're a small minority.

how are RAM, avalanches, disinteg loops and garden of delete tourist-core? aldo add matrix 5

this desu. their self ingludence and degeneracy ruins a lot of things and all they do is trash

This list is shameful

that justice (idk actual name) album is also tourist grade house

>Because trannies ruin every online community there is even though they're a small minority.
incredible take, my friend!! you know, you seem like just the kind of like-minded person who would really enjoy checking out Yas Forums dot org slash pol (Yas Forums is what people in the know call it). i'd be happy to show you around if you check it out i'll post the OK computer album cover in the first thread i click on so you can find me !

tourist mad

being grossed out by mentally ill cross-dressing misogynist fetishist degenerates and despising pedo pomo trash is normal human reaction


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honestly most house albums are trash. it's no surprise that someone who came out with a decent house record got so much attention