Post your curve you cowards

Post your curve you cowards

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Not a tranny, don't know what that means.

>402 1 star ratings
why do you listen to so much garbage user?

what is your five

so what's your only 5 star rating?
>inb4 loveless or some other bullshit

my benis has a more impressive curve

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di6 - rose clouds

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real men actually enjoy music

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i just started rating

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What's the 0.5 album?

John Coltrane - Ascension

Looks to me like you have bad taste in music if you somehow end up listening to that many 1/5 albums. Are you perhaps a woman?

Was it autism?

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give it another listen, it's actually pretty good

30 5s? what

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i am once again asking if it was autism

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I have the best curve. I love music. Fuck the haters.

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The problem with retarded skews like this is that you're the only person operating on it. Imagine, you give your favorite album 3.5 stars. Somebody will think you thought it was mediocre. Then you have to explain why you're fucking up the rating of your favorite album, just so you can adhere to some retarded system you conjured.

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Something Beautiful by Oleander.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's like a single digit amount of users on this board who know what that is. The song "Fight" from it is the theme for a video game I played when I was like 10, so I decided to listen to it. It's like way worse Shinedown. And Shinedown already sucks.

this is why i hate shit like OP

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>2 stars
>i recommend it

Uhhh what's the problem here exactly? his 3.5 means "good" not favorite album

are you european? I'd say solid is 3.5 and decent is 3.0. here in america when we say "solid" it means good, reliable, worthy of attention. idk just food for thought. i know im a faggot

you'll have such inventive rating systems!!

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seriously awful OP, nobody thinks you're funny

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Does anybody else feel like their 0.5 is almost as sacred as their 5.0? I just feel an overwhelming urge to document works that are just that incredibly bad so I can always be reminded of them.

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he's one of those faggots who like to differ between shades of good.

so this is Yas Forums now, huh?
unironically, if you have

post a chart of your fave albums

whats the point of skipping ratings lol

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now i know who's calling my taste trash, baka my head