Rock will make a comeback this decade, right bros? ...right?

Rock will make a comeback this decade, right bros? ...right?

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Yep, my album is in the works

Rock can... but it just needs to be sexy again to get the whores interested. Right now whores are listening to edm and rap. Both give whores a chance to dress like sluts at shows. Once the whores start thinking of Rock in a sexual way, they will jump over. Once that happens, Rock will have an opportunity to grow again with a bigger audience.

wrong. the 20's will be the decade jazz comes back

Why not
We're all going to be dead by 2030 anyway

>rockists upset guitar music doesn't reach the top 40 anymore
absolute plebs. rock is still alive, stop whining just because your favorite genre isn't obscenely popular anymore

Rock's dead
Irony killed it and will keep killing everything
Unless you get a raw actually unfiltered sound like Grunge brought Rock will be dead

There is going to be a huge noise rock revival soon

Attached: Sonic Youth.png (1280x856, 526.93K)

Rock hasnt proven it can thrive without the big labels pumping lots of money into it.

It wont be in the vein of Sonic Youth
Itll be in the vein of Daughters
So no nice melodies underneath the noise, just loud garbage

why do you want rock to be mainstream?

>Nu Metal was rock's last moment of mainstream relevance

No it wasnt
Pop Punk like MCR was

It's nice to know other people in real life who like the same music as you

Kings of Leon got pretty big and that was later

actually it was arctic monkeys' AM album

Rock will eventually make a comeback but I don't think it's gonna be this decade bro.
Trap will keep being the hottest genre out there, unfortunately.

just listen to led zeppelin and metallica

trap isn't even that relevant anymore, plebanon

Marilyn Manson has a new album coming, so yes

the thing with rock is kids still like the old shit and care more about bands like nirvana or beatles than they do any of the newer bands. post malone did that nirvana tribute concert and zoomers were all over it. xxxtentacion and lil peep incorporated rock into their sound and zoomers loved it.

i think there's a market and appreciation for rock there in the generation somewhere

it's bound to, last good rock band to come out was in 1999 with Limp Bizkit

>post malone
>lil peep
So rock can survive in the mainstream if it integrates with rap.

wtf Why is that frog on the news

the arctic monkeys kind of did that

good point desu. if girls liked rock again you'll hear rock more at parties and see dudes starting rock bands to get laid

No. Not at least as long as the 5 or so people who write almost all 'popular' music are around

The image of rock being your parent's music and boomer music probably doesn't help with the sexiness.

I don't get it though. Rap is old as shit too. People were listening to rap in the 90s and zoomers are young enough their parents were young back then.

Just sing over beats with 808s that sample guitar melodies.

rap didn't dominate like rock did at the time. it was big but it was more of an up and coming thing. rap only started in the 70s while rock was already in full swing

Imagine listening to any post-90's music

Haha. Nope.

The problem rock had was that most of the popular alt rock/grunge bands of the 90's and early 00's failed to reach out into other genres.

When the mainstream audience shifted away to stuff like bling rap and pop most stuck to their guns and got left behind.

I mean there are still some bands from that era that are still actively producing 'rock' and are successful like Radiohead and The Killers but they sound way different to how they did back then.

Hopefully we'll get some new bands that bring a fresh twist on rock this decade but even if we do I think it won't really take off until late in to the decade or in the 2030's

depends on what "rock"
you have greta van fleet as a led zeppelin ripoff and they're fairly popular (although shit)
then there's grunge which is still cool and super influential