Who was the best guitarist in the Beatles? Paul?

Who was the best guitarist in the Beatles? Paul?

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That said, John was the most based guitarist because he used intentional feedback for the first time in history on I Feel Fine, and invented shoegaze with the wall of sound he crafted on It's All Too Much

Paul ainec. Yas Forums will answer George because they are betas and identify with him


>achieved transcendence in life

Cope harder lmao

*for the first time in history on a major pop release

the monks were doing purposeful distortion in their live shows around a year before that song, but were not anywhere near as known

>John was the most based guitarist because he used intentional feedback for the first time in history on I Feel Fine
except that the kinks did it first with I Need You. its from early 65.

>"Paul was the best guitarrist"
>"Paul was the best drummer"
Paulfags are delusional.

>the monks were doing purposeful distortion in their live shows around a year before that song
I didn't know that. Does any recording of that exists? Sounds interesting af
I Feel Fine is from 1964.

Paul was certainly the best guitarist, but obviously not the best drummer.

>invented shoegaze with the wall of sound he crafted on It's All Too Much
Based as fuck
also, he has the best little solo on The End imo. Its groovy as fuck

His solo in the end is the worst one dude what? It’s so simple

It's my favorite desu. It's very catchy, despite being the least technically impressive (although none are)

Literally two out of three of his solo parts are just two chord bullshit things though. It’s not even a solo

This is why you suck at guitar

I’m good though

Yea, simple as fuck. Also, the most satisfying to hear imo

>It’s so simple
This is a good thing.


they were all fucking pleb musicians that were good at songwriting and putting on a show

The first solo with guitar feedback on a major pop music release was Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere by The Who, and The Who had used feedback in their live shows extensively before then.

Ringo Starr
They never let him play on albums though cause they knew he'd make them all look like peasants

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>Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere
this is from 65.
i Feel fine is from 64.

I assure you you are not

envy is a bitch huh copefag? Wahh two chord solos are badass because I can’t play and have no creativity xd

any bassist worth his salt will tell you that paul's not only a great bassist, but a great musician as well.

Keep seething over your mindless doodling shit playing lol

Clearly struck a chord with you

You just have shit taste man, it’s not even a solo. Lennon was a garbage guitar player. Less is more sometimes, but if you’re going to make your last solo be that basic, I don’t even know. It only fits because the other two actually put effort into theirs, in that sense, it works, but if you’re rating the solos individually it’s the shittiest one.

He said solo.

The only one seething is you here man. It’s okay that you aren’t talented and have to cope like that. Having simpler parts of a solo is fine, it does fit the song, but if you isolate the solos, he has the shittiest one. If he did the entire solo himself it would have been good, that’s what I’m saying. But you just seem like you can’t actually play for shit and are coping. I’m not even a shredder or anything, I’m just not a beginner like you m8. When you can actually play you realize how low effort so much Beatles shit is. I like originality and uniqueness, not some shitty two chord “solo” on your last song. John was a hack.

>You just have shit taste man
Post your top 10 records.
>Lennon was a garbage guitar player.
He was the most innovative one of the band so he's fine

The worst solo in The End was Paul's, it sounds just like the solo of Taxman.

I’m a touring musician faggot

You have no taste is the problem

Why do plebs get triggered when you remind them they can’t play and don’t understand music

Read what I wrote. I said SOLO with guitar feedback. The feedback in I Feel Fine is a single note at the beginning of the song. Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere has an entire guitar solo acting as a centerpiece to the song. It was so significant that the record company asked if there was a problem with the acetate pressing they received

is a fucking copypaste really


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The taxman solo is incredible though. George and Paul are about the same on the end, Johns is just low effort

Sure you are buddy, I get less is more sometimes, but it’s just not the case here.

>ashamed to post his own top 10 favorite records
kek based pleb

>The taxman solo is incredible though.
Holy shit, imagine being this clueless.

>it sounds just like the solo of Taxman
Holy shit user, thank you, I thought I was the only one who thought of that.

>The taxman solo is incredible though
It is but people are arguing that Paul is the best guitarrist while recycling solos? C'mon now.

Didn't Paul literally have to take over lead guitar duties once because George couldn't play what they wanted lol

Damn, I heard it again and that's true
what a fucking pathetic lazy nigger lmao

>paulfag redditspacing

>literally one of the most beloved solos ever
> doesn’t cut it

I’m a country guitarist in Nashville. You literally aren’t fit to lick my or anyone else’s boots in this town