Do you listen to artists like bladee, 100 gecs, ecco2k, and perhaps death grips? What makes their music good?

Do you listen to artists like bladee, 100 gecs, ecco2k, and perhaps death grips? What makes their music good?

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like first 3
dg suks

death grips slaps hard
100 gecs also slaps, and i don't really pay attention to their lyrics although they aren't bad
haven't really listened to ecco2k and that scene but i might try E

It's a psy op.

DG has insanely intricate, deep, scary at times how "inside your head" their lyrics can get. their industrial beat style is also really complex and groundbreaking I would argue, very little of that territory had been so extensively explored before death grips, I mean you have stuff like the beatnigs which is cool, but pretty one dimensional in my mind, death grips really skull fucks the whole genre. its also hard(er) to get into than most stuff, so it feels like a rite of passage to finally "get it" and to find more or less every DG song enjoyable in its own way. its a group that takes time to understand, takes thorough investigation, took me years to "fully" appreciate, when I first heard them around 2014, I could dig some of their material but other stuff I wasn't sure about, took till probably 2017 to really enjoy everything they were putting out, ("hands down"). so in short: very real, visceral "in your head" lyrics, combined with genre-breaking and cutting edge aesthetics/styles & beats/synth.

100gec - GEcCGEcccccccgec

samefag here. ill add 1 things

DG was in my opinion, the group that best defined and captured the state of culture/society/music in the 2010's: downgraded skillsets, a general apathy toward life itself, hostility toward humanity and "nice things in general", wanting to see the world burn, being part of the majority that can witness how "great life is" but being excluded from access to this enjoyment, boredom resulting in extreme excess, specifically with the current access to the strongest and stupidest drugs known to man, the current state of "love" and relationships being mostly an excuse for debauch and "sinful pleasure" for lack of better term. DG is a full blown musical bukkake if you will

shut the fuck up lol
i enjoy all the artists you listed op. 100 gecs and bladee are just not sure why i like them. i absolutely love the autotune, i love how synthetic their voices sound, i cant explain why. i like 100 gecs because theyre lyrics are really catchy but they genre mash in a way i can really appreciate. love the dubstep shitわ they do sometimes because i used to listen to that stuff as a teen/kid, and i love how harsh and amateur some of their stuff sounds. it makes me want to make music of my own.
i like bladee a lot because his lyrics are really sad, i find myself relating to them a lot, and the production on all of his songs are just top notch. cute melodies and swaying instrumentals. also catchy as hell.
dg is good bc idk it goes hard i guess lol. i dont pay attention to the lyrics’ meanings as much theyre more comical/absurd to me which i still get enjoyment from.
i dont listen to ecco2k as much as any other artist here but i like his super high androgynous vocals, everything sounds super dreamy too

you stfu bladee is a retarded bitch, his music is top notch awful, nearly unlistenable. dg is actual music


god I fucking hate zoomer trash music

I take that back, bladee is fully unlistenable. I just put on Exeter again and it has literally no redeemable qualities. synthetic isn't the right way to describe it, fake would be a better term. he intentionally fakes it, theres nothing new about it, just a truly terrible ripoff of what real artists were doing in the last 10 years. lyrics are bullshit, beats sound like a 12y.o made them, melodies are terrible, autotune is nauseating, and on top of that he's saying literally nothing unique or different with his supposed "aesthetic" which is just a straight rip off of every real artist that came out in the last well say ever

yes im pissed bitch how could you tell. ive been listening to death grips and snorting ketamine for 36 hours straight. hell yea im angry
gonna go listen to some harsh noise wall to calm myself down

the most searched song on youtube, unquestionably the most lyrically blank of all Dg songs. try better faggot

I like gec but its definitely FOTM shit and will have no legs in the future. I give it 3 years before they are completely forgotten about (which in this era is actually quite a long time), unless they blow us all away by switching up their sound, which I don't see. however I do see Dylan brady and laura les becoming "classic" artists in the next 10 years, as they will inevitably move on to bigger and better things than 100gec (which will likely be seen by "real fans" as their best work). they will combine with others like dorian electra, charli etc to move the sound of the generation forward, have probably more than 1 other project each with a different name, could potentially bring their sound/aesthetic to the mainstream, in its current unevolved base form I don't see it being more than a barely memorable "hey remember when" project

Out of all those I only like Death Grips. 100 Gecs and Drain Gang is for fags lel

death grips is also for fags, fag


hnw is a meme.
i respect that you dont like bladee, but i dont really know what you mean by “it” when you say that hes faking it. bladee kind of started this whole trend of “nauseating autotune” back in like 2012/13. exeter’s beats also certainly arent amateur. wonderland, for example, has that constant wonky record scratch thing going on, and open symbols has that really really odd melody that pitches up in the beginning and sounds out of place, but then fits right in when the beat really kicks in.
i cant say much about how ripped off his aesthetic is, but i dont know too many artists using south park characters on their album covers
i get the lyrics tho. i can see they arent for everyone. im moreso talking about every project other than exeter, but exeter too, i understand why you wouldnt like the minimal, repetitive lyrics. shitわ like “if you would want me dead i would be into it / i just want your attention” off SmartWater gets to me.

>I like gec but its definitely FOTM
1000 gecs was released in May 2019.

it's the only thing they've done that will be remembered

100 Gecs is for borderline homo trannies and Drain Gang is for sad wiggers that are too lazy to do anything. Death Grips has more substance and tensions for straight sex

more like tension for gay sex! haha! :D

Be Nice 2 Me is a masterpiece....but if I'm going to sit down and listen to some european wigger mumbling it will have to be yung lean. death grips is actually good, but I don't listen to them much. bad for my mental health.

Don't like any of them. Zoomer trash. Although DG is the most tolerable and Gecs are the most obnoxious and cancerous

All of those are shit and everyone who says he enjoys that "music" is a liar.

death grips fan since ex military, lost interest after NOTM
bladee fan since gluee, haven't stopped listening. I consider him really really good and clearly influential musically and culturally.
I consider 100gecs novelty. I don't listen but I don't hate

Definitely debatable on the lyrics having meaning. Seems to me an occultic calling of what he conjures in his verbal/lyrical art. What he’s able to summon, how it lays dormant betwix them breasts, and how it’ll fuck one up who listens to it, metaphorically decapitating them in his guillotine

the melodies of the first 3, don't really listen to death grips cause there's barely any melody

Never heard of his guy
Listened to like the first 30 seconds of one of his songs and concluded he was another emo trap faggot with nothing that would make him stand out from that crowd to me.
>death grips
Lost interest in them after Bottomless Pit. Even when I did like them, their songs were very hit or miss with me. Don't think I can give one consistent reason for liking all their songs that I liked.
>100 gecs
I've always loved juxtaposition in art. The way the pop elements are layered on and blend with the harsher, more left field elements is masterful. The mixing hits hard in all the right places (dynamics, bass, percussion) while still sounding unpredictable and "messy". I've seen some smooth brains accuse Laura and Dylan of hiding behind irony to avoid criticism, (>implying the music is even bad) but I'd call them post-ironic. This is to say that they genuinely like the way they sound, they know it's gonna sound stupid to some people, but they just own that. I don't think that stops them from being more sincere when they want to either. Gec 2 U, for example, was my favorite song from 2019, and I like it because of the relationship it portrays. There isn't a hint of irony in the lyrics. It's just a cute portrayal of a couple spending the night together and they're separate perspectives on it. I only listened to 100 lb cloud once because I don't like it that much, but I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a sincere love song as well.
Honestly, I'd like someone to give me a real reason not to like 100 gecs.

>I've always loved juxtaposition in art. The way the pop elements are layered on and blend with the harsher, more left field elements is masterful. The mixing hits hard in all the right places (dynamics, bass, percussion) while still sounding unpredictable and "messy". I've seen some smooth brains accuse Laura and Dylan of hiding behind irony to avoid criticism, (>implying the music is even bad) but I'd call them post-ironic. This is to say that they genuinely like the way they sound, they know it's gonna sound stupid to some people, but they just own that. I don't think that stops them from being more sincere when they want to either. Gec 2 U, for example, was my favorite song from 2019, and I like it because of the relationship it portrays. There isn't a hint of irony in the lyrics. It's just a cute portrayal of a couple spending the night together and they're separate perspectives on it. I only listened to 100 lb cloud once because I don't like it that much, but I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a sincere love song as well.

How am I lying by saying that Eversince is the greatest album of the last 10 year? Its just objective fact. No point in getting upset over it.

t. smooth brain