Men are biologically incapable of creating and appreciating music the way women are able to...

Men are biologically incapable of creating and appreciating music the way women are able to. This is because their brains are full of inferior sex hormones that stunt their emotional development into fully functional adults (also makes you more likely to die of Covid, lel). Men think the music they create has a breadth of emotional experience because they’re too uncomfortable to sit with the existential pain of being for more than five seconds like the mental toddlers they are, but fundamentally every piece of music men have ever written is about “daddy didn’t love me” or “tfw no gf”. Also Yoko was more influential and a better musician than any of the Beatles either individually or collectively.

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So before anyone responds can you write out the list of buzzwords you plan to use against anyone who disagrees

okay cool ironic instagram meme you can go back to twitter now

I actually agree with you

I hate to admit it but you're probably more right than Yas Forums is willing to admit

hello, based department?


Fragile white hands typed this post

Woman simply dont like music, a few rare exceptions.

Self hating white hands typed this post

Whats wrong with being white?

The exact same thing could really be said about women, women's likes are totally based on aesthetics and what models them into what they perceive to be the attractive version of themself, I honestly feel like I see this trend much more with women then men. Also lel at trying to say that men are the ones who just think about "daddy didn't love me" daddy issues is a meme for a reason cause it's true. Also yoko sucks dick and i dont mean johns

You're right but OP is a retarded instagram user who suffers of irony poisoning

>Men are biologically incapable of creating and appreciating music the way women are able to.
True. Men have -innovated- vastly superior music than women ever have and have enjoy a creative pallet into literature, of which men are also better at.
>This is because their brains are full of inferior sex hormones that stunt their emotional development into fully functional adults
False. There are no "inferior sex hormones" and if we're going by the purely arbitrary measure you're going for, I'd rather not have to bleed every month and reduce myself to an emotional, childish mess.
>Men think the music they create has a breadth of emotional experience because they’re too uncomfortable to sit with the existential pain of being for more than five seconds like the mental toddlers they are
What does that even mean. Are you missing a word here?
>but fundamentally every piece of music men have ever written is about “daddy didn’t love me” or “tfw no gf”
False. Men have created music in many, many different subjects and if we were to take in modern music as a metric then the opposite is true.
> Also Yoko was more influential and a better musician than any of the Beatles either individually or collectively.
Yoko was a retard and definitely represents the backstabbing, uncaring nature of women.

Good bait... I’m guessing you are a “woman” who was once a man, yes?

Based pp-user

>I'd rather not have to bleed every month and reduce myself to an emotional, childish mess
This, it's much better to become an raging retard who ruins his life with crimes whenever he gets too angry.

You're not a woman you worthless disgusting man-faced cross-dresser.

Making the incels seethe lmao


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>women don't ruin their lives whenever they get too angry
Sweetie we know a woman's breaking point is much lower than a man's.

>can't even refute it
Kek. Yes, who doesn't know those testosterone-pumped wifes beating, raping and killing their way into prisons.

Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking roastie

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Fun fact: single motherhood is the most likely indicator of crime and poverty in offspring.

Can’t wait until you start choking on your own caustic lung fluid and have a stroke and die. Thank you based Coronachan for murdering incels.

>source: muh mommy
Weird, last time I checked it takes two people two create children and I thought men were the more caring ones. How come they don't care enough about their children to stay around? And how come the girls raised by single mothers don't end up with abuse, rape or murder charges? Truly a mistery. It's almost like they're low on a hormone.

Shut up tranny

>S-s-shut the fUCK up you;;ddumbn fuckin roasie!!!

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>thought men were the more caring ones.
Well yeah, that was obvs in comparison to single fathers who do a much better job. Who knows why the guy doesn't stick around, maybe the woman turned out to be shitty as usual.
>le violent crime meme
By now it's the only argument you have

>single fathers who do a much better job.
>source: muh mommy
For every overworked singlemother I raise you an alkoholic, violent father.
>the father completely ditches his children to the point they live in poverty because the woman was mean to him
How caring and compassionate kek.
>By now it's the only argument you have
>if I call an argument I just can't refute a meme, that means I win!!
The point was that your emotional and violent outbreaks due to your shit hormones are much worse than any period can ever get.