Tom, Varg, Morrissey

Tom, Varg, Morrissey
Bunch a timid white
Who can't fuck with me

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Don’t shittalk Morrissey you piece of shit

Whoresissy fucking sucks

so ripping off mc ride and doing le experimental le hip hop is talent nowadays

Can you imagine this faggot getting into a fight with any of them? gangly balding idiot

go nigga go!!! fuck the whites!!!

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>current year hiphop in a nutshell

yeah i like jpegmafia how could you tell

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i don't mind current day hip hop but you're not wrong, i think the noname chick said something about wanting to quit because she's aware her audience is predominantly white. the scene is embarrassing and instrumental hip hop is better anyway

I know who Varg & Morrissey are, but who the hell is Tom?

the dude that invented myspace

If I pull that bandana off, will he die?

It would be extremely painful.

Has anyone ever told him how worthless his race is?

everytime i see this guy he is talking about white men, they seem to be on his mind a lot.



Whoah, is this based?
Is this based or not? I can’t tell
Hmm, by a preponderance of the evidence I’m gonna have to say that this is totally and unequivocally based

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Butthurt manlet

Varg is like 6"3 and stronk af


he is like 5'11 or 6 according to his twitter you dumb fuck

yeah but hes also not a nigger so hes got that going for him

racism's not allowed on here, sweaty

is that 12 years a slavE?

yes it is

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Don't care

And Peggy is 5'8

ironically this song introduced me to the smiths and morrissey, then I heard what morrissey said and I found nothing wrong with it


the most pathetic person in music history