What are some artists / albums that fit in this graph?
What are some artists / albums that fit in this graph?
Pretty much any nu-metal band
Other than this obvious choice
Why does this site obsess over this particular polarity?
reptilian boyz club
Unironically this
Nu-metal chads are so misunderstood
all of my favorite artists
True art and true patricianness relies in the universal simplicity of perfection, which trascends time, cultures and perspectives; it's beauty is based on the accurate and explicity correspondence of its parts. It's easy to enjoy, and extremely hard to delve deeply. The ultimate goal is to dissuade midwits
90s europop
Only pseuds think they can't enjoy something silly or non-intellectual. They also think something enjoyed by normies like Drake can't be enjoyed if you're tfw too smart, which is wrong. Big brains can enjoy anything because life is multi faceted
chief keef
all out war
dj shadow
not at all
just chief keef
Pink Floyd
absolutely incorrect
That's pretty much for retards just smart enough to get into college, but still say the dumbest shit and make poor financial decisions. Nowhere near the brilliant simplicity of Bach, or the ridiculous chadness of Limp Bizkit
>for retards just smart enough to get into college, but still say the dumbest shit and make poor financial decisions.
that's where you're wrong. I wasnt smart enough to get into college
This is true for good nu-metal like Deftones and the first two Korn albums, but most nu-metal is low IQ
100 gecs
t. midwit
You're probably a gay zoomer who never lived through the nu-metal era.
you're mostly right but Drake sucks
Top + bottom vs. middle is a very common observation that has been made by plenty of people outside of Yas Forums.