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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh My Hurl


wayv is next

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here, three words

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post some of the new stuff or concert clips! or anything memeable...

Attached: 1587892243911.jpg (1500x1040, 1.37M)

Isn't this just SuperM

Attached: EVPN8J3UwAI_DBJ.jpg (2048x2048, 591.67K)

i love loona

Attached: EVE8jM7UwAAvkMw.jpg (2048x1536, 597.7K)

googie teeth

>getting a white gf


Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-27 15-31-02.png (876x586, 429.44K)

nice feet

Attached: sanaass1.webm (998x1080, 2.96M)

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will they beat superm in sales? place your bets

jopping edition

soft mouth

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Why are loona so indecisive

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>actually putting amwf in the title
what the fuck. people do that

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which culture are they going to cultural appropiate

love in the frozen

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Definitely better than amazon, yes. Best is to buy from a store that has their own site. You can use one of those 'price comparison' sites that list the best offer for an item you search for. Then pick a sort of mom n' pop store of your choice.
>tfw you'll still buy from amazon because fast delivery

Humanity needs to do some crucial things in the next decade:

- decentralize the internet with help of localized antennas and encryption the likes of i2p or zeronet to break all ISPs and gov surveillance (same for cell phones)

- stop using goog1e, apple, microsoft, amazon etc. and open stores that take payments through monero or similar

- work towards a society without 'governments' while maintaining a peaceful ordinance based on science, rational and empathy

You may start now by micro-dosing and tuning in.

Attached: suli taeyeon.jpg (670x335, 35.14K)

>There is some bugman fugging cx everyday
Life isn't fair bros...

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im gay


he probably dropped out of school and wants a job doing something stupid too

For me, it's RV.

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yes they both want to do a colab and talked about it
see the pic about albums - tl;dr nothing official but many major stores were told that reprint is gonna take place yet DCC said no. yoo/dami also said no in vlive

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jennies feet are probably better than hers

asian "males" are kinda inescure

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psy comeback when tho

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bts said the nword
had a photoshoot in a holocaust memorial
wore dreads multiple times
and roasties are cancelling super m over some stupid dance?

Can't wait till Dreamcatcher hits daebak and they start doing lingerie cfs

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Asian guys think it's a big achievement to get a white gf for some reason

Is BoA any good?
How hot is she?

she's a fat fuck tho

Attached: 1565721803106.jpg (600x867, 107.13K)

peak siyeon

she's got some bops bro

post the dance

smart chewy

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my witchfu

whos the Justin bieber of kpop?

isn't that the same for whitebois getting asian gfs

*cancels your boobs vlive*
fuck you D1CE

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>that dami

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finally some cute prewall tzuyu pics

super m have done way more problematic things than bts

scammer: fat shamer and racist
baekhyun: ableist and racist
kai: wore dreads, whore
ten: racist
taemin: racist
mark: pro life and racist
lucas: homophobic

i want a tzuyu gf

no they dont. its just having sex with everything out there....not gf



sounds based to me. might give them a listen

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Who are these girls?

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i have a feeling gahyeon could become a victim to dr kim, i hope she never multilate her cute small lips

wow they're just like me

when is the concert?

Not gonna say. :(

>BoA was the first one I cared about
I think this goes for anyone at the time. It's impossible to describe to someone today the impact she had. I was such a faggot and had posters of her and bought CDs/DVDs. Still have her 'Love & Honesty' tour DVD somewhere. Never sexualized her though. I genuinely liked her music & shows. Crazy to think that Yas Forums didn't even exist then.

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I'm a fan now

none of that matters, the problem is that theyre ugly and nowhere near as popular.

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literally our guys

the watchmen of kpop indeed

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baby dont stop

>had a photoshoot in a holocaust memorial
based bts

Which is worse, the new OMG MV or the new OMG lip injections?

Song was OK

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scammer has a pass because hes got mental illness

>Crazy to think that Yas Forums didn't even exist then.
but it did, in your mind

dr kim can't fix her gowon-tier head

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>popular despite dabbing on da jews
how did bts do it bros?

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what did they do though?

kicking and punching
we kunching

>pro life
His dad is a Pastor what the fuck do roasties expect?

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how do we stop the wall bros?


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