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Luke Reed
Justin Hill
Oh My Hurl
Gabriel Rodriguez
Logan Moore
wayv is next
William Rodriguez
Charles Kelly
Liam Green
Luke Harris
here, three words
Owen Gonzalez
Julian Evans
Jackson Roberts
post some of the new stuff or concert clips! or anything memeable...
Levi Brooks
Isn't this just SuperM
Brandon Johnson
Oliver Gutierrez
i love loona
Andrew Russell
googie teeth
Benjamin Gonzalez
>getting a white gf
Liam Rivera
nice feet
Hunter Bell
Adam Reed
Jacob Campbell
will they beat superm in sales? place your bets
Aaron Smith
jopping edition
Jace Thomas
soft mouth
David Ramirez
Robert Murphy
Why are loona so indecisive
Jason Hill
Bentley Scott
>actually putting amwf in the title
what the fuck. people do that
Luke Russell
which culture are they going to cultural appropiate
Nolan Robinson
love in the frozen
Jordan Hughes
Julian Thompson
Definitely better than amazon, yes. Best is to buy from a store that has their own site. You can use one of those 'price comparison' sites that list the best offer for an item you search for. Then pick a sort of mom n' pop store of your choice.
>tfw you'll still buy from amazon because fast delivery
Humanity needs to do some crucial things in the next decade:
- decentralize the internet with help of localized antennas and encryption the likes of i2p or zeronet to break all ISPs and gov surveillance (same for cell phones)
- stop using goog1e, apple, microsoft, amazon etc. and open stores that take payments through monero or similar
- work towards a society without 'governments' while maintaining a peaceful ordinance based on science, rational and empathy
You may start now by micro-dosing and tuning in.
Adam Fisher
>There is some bugman fugging cx everyday
Life isn't fair bros...
Camden Walker
im gay
Parker Cooper
David Davis
he probably dropped out of school and wants a job doing something stupid too
Jayden Morris
For me, it's RV.
Joshua Parker
yes they both want to do a colab and talked about it
see the pic about albums - tl;dr nothing official but many major stores were told that reprint is gonna take place yet DCC said no. yoo/dami also said no in vlive
Justin Foster
Adam Sanchez
Thomas Anderson
Chase Taylor
Jackson Thompson
jennies feet are probably better than hers
asian "males" are kinda inescure
Hunter King
Daniel Bailey
Brayden Butler
psy comeback when tho
Jack Peterson
Aiden Bell
Jaxon Walker
bts said the nword
had a photoshoot in a holocaust memorial
wore dreads multiple times
and roasties are cancelling super m over some stupid dance?
Grayson Morris
Can't wait till Dreamcatcher hits daebak and they start doing lingerie cfs
Jack Cruz
Ethan Lopez
Asian guys think it's a big achievement to get a white gf for some reason
Ryder Howard
Is BoA any good?
How hot is she?
Josiah Garcia
she's a fat fuck tho
Ian Brown
peak siyeon
Dominic Ward
she's got some bops bro
Andrew Richardson
post the dance
Wyatt Harris
smart chewy
Oliver Gutierrez
Nicholas Lopez
Jayden Murphy
Brandon Smith
my witchfu
Tyler James
whos the Justin bieber of kpop?
Christopher Moore
isn't that the same for whitebois getting asian gfs
Nolan White
*cancels your boobs vlive*
fuck you D1CE
Caleb Rivera
Asher Richardson
>that dami
Parker Walker
Brayden Edwards
Lincoln Gutierrez
Colton Bennett
Oliver Green
finally some cute prewall tzuyu pics
Easton Gray
super m have done way more problematic things than bts
scammer: fat shamer and racist
baekhyun: ableist and racist
kai: wore dreads, whore
ten: racist
taemin: racist
mark: pro life and racist
lucas: homophobic
Henry Rogers
i want a tzuyu gf
Wyatt Wilson
Brayden Rogers
no they dont. its just having sex with everything out there....not gf
Carter Bailey
Colton Baker
Daniel Baker
sounds based to me. might give them a listen
Camden Hernandez
Samuel Perry
Who are these girls?
Jaxson James
i have a feeling gahyeon could become a victim to dr kim, i hope she never multilate her cute small lips
Dylan Brooks
wow they're just like me
Cameron Torres
when is the concert?
John Parker
Not gonna say. :(
>BoA was the first one I cared about
I think this goes for anyone at the time. It's impossible to describe to someone today the impact she had. I was such a faggot and had posters of her and bought CDs/DVDs. Still have her 'Love & Honesty' tour DVD somewhere. Never sexualized her though. I genuinely liked her music & shows. Crazy to think that Yas Forums didn't even exist then.
Jace Peterson
I'm a fan now
Henry Anderson
none of that matters, the problem is that theyre ugly and nowhere near as popular.
Alexander Bailey
Luis Russell
literally our guys
Gavin Richardson
the watchmen of kpop indeed
Jonathan Wright
Adam Turner
Noah Parker
baby dont stop
Owen Sanchez
>had a photoshoot in a holocaust memorial
based bts
Easton Robinson
Which is worse, the new OMG MV or the new OMG lip injections?
Song was OK
Joshua Cooper
Ian White
scammer has a pass because hes got mental illness
Jace Rivera
>Crazy to think that Yas Forums didn't even exist then.
but it did, in your mind
Asher Lopez
Angel Cook
dr kim can't fix her gowon-tier head
Jose Brooks
Hudson King
>popular despite dabbing on da jews
how did bts do it bros?
James Torres
Carter Jones
what did they do though?
Thomas Jackson
kicking and punching
we kunching
Jason Scott
>pro life
His dad is a Pastor what the fuck do roasties expect?
Jonathan Hill
how do we stop the wall bros?
Sebastian Roberts
Jayden Barnes