>you shouldn't buy Rubber Soul or Revolver even if you're a Beatles fan because it sucks that much
kek based scaruffi
You shouldn't buy Rubber Soul or Revolver even if you're a Beatles fan because it sucks that much
Why do you care about a random Italian man's opinion?
You are underage and making it very apparent
Because he's based?
How so?
>tfw you can't form your own opinion so you intentionally limit your music taste because some italian guy said so
kek beatlesfags seething
Cringe. Post your top 10s
This lmfao
cringe kys
You faggots have no mind of your own. You literally wait for some random Italian faggot to tell you what to like. You’re the definition of sheep.
Beatlesfags seething
>Beatles fan telling other people they're sheep
I have never willingly listened to a Beatles song in my entire life. I just think it's kind of pathetic to dick ride some senile old fuck on the internet.
>You faggots have no mind of your own. You literally wait for some random Italian faggot to tell you what to like. You’re the definition of sheep.
>Implying you aren't a sheep told to like The Beatles as GOAT by corporations trying to sell them to you
What does he look for when reviewing music?
emotional honesty
When you have listened to as much music as Scaruffi maybe one day your opinion will be valid, too.
Cope more you brain dead niggers
Listening to music is the most passive hobby there is, you just sit down and listen. Scaruffi is not special because he listened to a lot of music, literally anyone can do that, it's not a talent.
pink floyd is better than the beatles by orders of magnitude but that doesn't mean the beatles are bad
based picture
I like The Beatles too, their fans make me cringe though. thats why I had to do it to em
>listens to music
>Beatles ever
>not Nilsson exclusively
he did lucidly and quite eloquently archive his thoughts about everything he listened to for all to observe tho
funny shop but the Beatles and Pink Floyd both suck ass
revolver makes me want to put a revolver to my eardrum
beatles suck cock
with reviews like this, I don't think he should be taken as seriously as he is.
While his opinion of the album is valid just like the rest of his reviews, this album's pretty interesting backstory (The ARG and its direct correlation to the album, their drop from the label) is surely interesting enough to mention, no?
Just saying "lol it's lame" is fine, albeit a bit immature if you're a casual listener but a respected critic? Come on.
Scaruffi has some very interesting and well written essays but it's watered down by shit like this, which makes it hard for me to take him seriously. Like if you don't want to review it, just skip over it.