Epitome of sludge right here

Epitome of sludge right here.

Attached: houdini-album-cover-sticker__51324.1540218187.jpg (1008x1008, 1.1M)

Attached: streetcleaner.jpg (600x595, 126.6K)

Why doggo has 2 hed?

not really, but it's an ok album
not even the best sludge from melvins

there's like 20 minutes of garbage at the end though, although that's pretty much every major label melvins album. I guess they thought it was funni to piss off the execs. The rest is great though.

british = industrial
american = sludge

Whats a better sludge album than this

times of grace

Boris did it better
I love this album though

half of crowbar discography

melvins gave a lot of bands good ideas, the others perfected them and made sludge into the crushing thing it is today
this too