Could rock make a comeback in the 2020s? Now that the whole rap SoundCloud era is over, do you think that a Kurt Cobain-esque figure will come back and return rock music to the forefront?
Could rock make a comeback in the 2020s? Now that the whole rap SoundCloud era is over...
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>Now that the whole rap SoundCloud era is over
It isn't. What I have noticed, are SC rappers who are blatantly influenced by rock, metal, emo, and punk, using those sounds in their music. Hell, City Morgue charted at #1 on the rock charts on Billboard for a while.
>do you think that a Kurt Cobain-esque figure will come back and return rock music to the forefront?
Hopefully not. I'm basically indifferent to Nirvana, but it could certainly be argued that Cobain's influence on the music landscape was mostly negative. Pretty much all Nirvana meant in the big scheme of things was just a continued watering-down.
I don't mean grunge music, I just mean an idol or something, to lead the movement and rock from obscurity and ridicule.
It's been happening. Just not in the mainstream. Which is a good thing.
There are already extremely popular rock bands, King Gizzard comes to mind. I don't know why someone like Cobain would even be desirable.
>King Gizzard
Rock music for people who don’t like rock.
I don't like them either, I think they're a boring gimmick band but they are a rock band that is extremely popular. Nirvana were a rehash band too.
Maybe. I wouldn't say the SC rap era is over, and if it is, what's unironically replacing it? I think the genres very hyperbolized and utterly played out at this point, much like how hair metal was by 90. We could see a vehement counter cultural rejection of trap in the form of a new genre just like grunge was to hair metal
As for the nirvana thing, you might actually be on to something; just watch Post Malone's nirvana tribute stream. Or the last VMA's where Green Day performed the opening riff to Smells Like and the crowd (who are very much inculcated in retarded pop ape culture of cardi B and shit) went crazy
wow those are mean frongs
i feel like if any sort of rock would be replacing rap it would much sooner be indie rock than grunge
I think a resurgence of post-rock noise music with lots of aggressive screaming and avant garde poetry would be nice
ITT: people too stupid to understand that when OP refers to a Cobain-esque figure he's not hoping for the return of grunge.
*correct frogs
NOTHING will ever be as big as music was for any of us who remember music scenes before the 2010's. Period.
There is no central hub for music like MTV, there are no more mainstream music magazines at the corner store checkout, there is no more mainstream music scene outside of straight up corporate produced pop and the continuing hustle the industry has over ignorant black rappers who they can drain until they OD or get shot. Rock doesn't need a "comeback", it's still going as much as it ever was, it's just not covered by the mainstream media because they have no use for it, nobody buys records, they can't promote bands, pay each member, and put them on big tours like they used to. They will just sell the artists they make from within their own ranks like Billie Eilish and nickel and dime hoodlums now. Rock is alive in various forms, you just don't know where to find music without MTV.
I don't think so, OP. Due to the nature of rock music i don't think there's really that much else you can do with it. I know that concept seems true at every point, even just before big revolutions in rock music, but look at what rock bands there are right now. It seems to me like there are a few camps in different places throughout the world, like the big post-punk thing happening in England through labels like speedy wunderground, but it looks like they all just try to re-hash what's already happened. It doesn't feel like there is any rock music happening right now that's truly a part of the 2020s, or the late 2010s. There is not rock music that represents these times, because everyone just wants to be Sonic Youth again, or emulate aspects of an underground indie scene that does not exist or have the capability to exist anymore. You should read this thing Mark Fisher (RIP) wrote about Sonic Youth. It kind of sums up my feelings on the whole thing
rock needs to embrace diversity to survive
No it doesn't. You just listen to mainstream stuff, we won't miss you at rock shows.
You sound very old and conservative. Your attitude is the reason that rock will eventually occupy a niche not unlike jazz does now
Rock is going the way of jazz, the crappy truck commerical rock being the equivalent of smooth jazz/muzak. The good stuff, with the help of the internet has become incredibly niche with subgenres popping up all over the place. It's a good time to start a Rock band if you know what you're doing and can cater to a small fanbase.
>You sound very old and conservative. Your attitude is the reason that rock will eventually occupy a niche not unlike jazz does now
The main thing about rock has always been that it's the music for the "black sheep" of society. Whether that is arguably complete bullshit or not based on the fact that rock has been hugely popular at certain times doesn't matter at all, since the 50's and the "greaser" subculture, rockers were against the "socs", aka the normies.
Rock that conforms to the pop world, is not rock at that point spiritually, and has no purpose. People like you say Imagine Dragons is rock and mumble rap is the "new punk", but what you don't realize is we don't want to associate with people like you, which is why we like rock.
I'll also never be a billionaire. Or set on fire. Or struck by lightning. This image is silly. So many things it focuses on that you will NEVER be to distract you from the fact that there's so much you WILL have.
>ur just old!
Nah, I know of new rock bands comprised of young people. You apparently don't, and it's better that're part of the other faction, so stop trying to be "us". All the hair dye and "Satanic" imagery isn't going to change the fact that you're a fucking poptard/rapper idiot.
Guy, i turned 18 yesterday (though i have been using this board for the last five years). Everyone & their mother knows a young person who is in a shitty hxc band. This is not special or unique. What i will say is that almost all of my friends who are invested in recent music do not care much about recent rock music, because it is not relevant and does not speak to the interests of this generation at large. Everything that is happening in rock music has been done before, better. I am not denying the validity of rock music as it exists. It is still being made and geeked out over, just like dixieland jazz is by your weird neighbor.
When i speak to people my age who are heavily invested in music going on right now, i see virtually universal praise for musicians like Yves Tumor, Dean Blunt, a lot of what's going on with groups like drain gang or whatever, and PC music & its adjacent circles. I am just naming a few to let you know that these acts & musicians are not "mainstream pop". What you are not willing to accept is that these acts are alternative and adopted by a group of young people that probably find an amount of solace in such music that you found in your rock music when you were our age.
The level of conservativism and bitterness in your rhetoric is funny. You think you are the counter-culture, but you must look no further than any small town political discussion to find any given fifty year old speaking the way you do.
hard/grunge/experimental rock? no
indie rock? yes.
the rise of "indie" (the term is used a bit loosely in a mainstream context, but im talking your will toledo, mac demarco, rex orange county, etc.) is inevitable. ask any person who claims theyre "into" music and odds are they'll list off some lil cute british indie stars as their favorite artists. its only inevitable for indie and its subgenres (folk, rock, etc.) to become bigger as time progresses. so i'd say if anything, you'll get some neat indie rock bands dominating charts for a lil. i mean the strokes are topping album charts right now.
regarding the end of the "soundcloud era," indie is combining with hip-hop quite often. sure you had your bon iver/kanye collabs, but rex orange county working with tyler the creator, young thug interpolating bright eyes. the rise of indie is upon us.
violent soho already exists
Calm the fuck down bro
Rock is dead, we know
What's up with all the "conservacuck boomer" shit?
>Imagine thinking this
You must be a Zoomer OP.
mac demarco was popular since the early 2010s. same era as soundcloud rap.
I was just engaging in a conversation. You can be conservative in other ways than politically, you know?
>Rock music? No
>Pop music? Yes