name ONE vaporwave album that doesn't sound like shit
Name ONE vaporwave album that doesn't sound like shit
[X] Doubt
Then all vaporwave sounds like shit.
I can't
The one with the cute dolphin!
vektroid's neo miami
Old Tunes (volume 2)
Windows 96
Enchanted Instrumentals and Whispers
your least favorite one
blank banshee 0
wrong windows version for sure
Desired is my favourite. Very decadent sound.
The entire Saint Pepsi Discography
Nmesh - Pharma
Hologram Plaza by Disconscious
I personally really like it.
definitely preferred Dream Sequins® whats the appeal of pharma iyo
the only correct answer, although i will also accept vektroid - big danger
the record with the japanese girl on the cover is the only vaporwave you need, fujigrid(?) i think
Also, future funk is cringe
Eccojams is not only the first vaporwave album but it's also the best vaporwave album.
>ITT: retards think future funk and vaporwave are the same thing
Unironically macintosh plus' floral shoppe and 2814's birth of a new day are great albums, but not if you want to actively listen to it. They are backtrack alvums they are just supposed to set the mood, if you just put them on while on a plane and look out the window, they are great albums.
Explain the difference then, genius.
future funk is 4 on the floor tunes featuring disco and funk samples
basically weaboo french house
vaporwave is much more abstract usually
future funk can be considered a subset of vaporwave
>vaporwave is much more abstract usually
What does that mean? Explain yourself.
It doesn't have as much of a defined sound as future funk. It can be ambient (HKE), cheerful midi beats (Ferraro), chopped and screw loops (Eccojams), tv transmission samples (Fuji Grid), etc.
If you cant hear the difference in style here then give up
What's the appeal? It's surreal, funny and is well produced and all around just sounds better than his previous albums.