/CRJ general/

/CRJ general/

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my mommyfu

I want to lick her small body all over

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I want to cum on her maybe.

imagine what a 13 inch BBC would do to her

i'd rather not, remove yourself

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probably disgust her

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Cope with what?

mfw no smol dance-pop wife.

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do you think Carly is ovulating right now?

I'm so horny.

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This is now a true beauty thread.
Post REAL women

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how come

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ahh the G-virus is real

I went to one of her shows with my friend expecting a healthy mix of normies, Yas Forumstants, men and women, girls and guys, you know, like most “indie“ darling female pop artist concerts I’ve been to. We get there and stand in line and it sounds like we got thrust into a snake pit what with the cacophony of lisps drowning out our every thought and the loudest of city traffic. Literally an 85/15 guy/girl split, rivaling a Slayer concert. And boy, let me tell you, the “men” at the CRJ weren’t the type to see Slayer but they were the type to yell “THLAYYYY” - of the 80% that were “male”, a good 75% of them were clearly bottoms, and another 15% (minimum) were probably gay also, just not as obviously and insufferably so. I almost got an epileptic seizure no matter where I looked thanks to these fags, given that most of them were wearing glitter on their faces. It was fascinating hearing the gay couple behind me talk about Gaga’s latest tweet though, and my friend enjoyed getting grinded on by the flamer behind him. After the show I was terrified I’d start walking around with a limp wrist, clapping after every word I spoke, and adding a vocal fry effect to everything I said, but fortunately, gayness doesn’t appear to be contagious, at least not after only 3 hours of exposure. Carly is a great performer though, love her to death. 5/5

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I look at pics of Carly and see her legs and feet my penis

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badd ass

classic pasta

>not knowing that 90% of the audience of female popstars are the gheys
you could have done some research before going dude. but glad you had a good time

i understand

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I wish I was a cute girl

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