
Attached: IMG_20200426_225623.jpg (1440x1800, 182.91K)

i wanna suck on them lads

She looks so gross and skanky

that boy has a strange chest


ew ew ew! what is that gross thing? why does it look like that EW!!!

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I'm starting to understand why she got a 9 from bald tony

get it? I'm a woman and I have a body lol bet you weren't expecting that

STD mommy

ugly goblin

She's hot you incels.

She isn't going to fuck you bro...

isn't it deliberate though

awful taste ITT

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Looks like one of the trannies from the Windowlicker music video.

Who is this? Is this Charli XCX?

stream Claws

Charli is my mommy

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Why would that affect the opinion of the user?

shes gaining weight

oh huh. usually she looks a lot hotter, like . Still good music though.

simpitis can be cured

that's not an answer user
let him lust, her music's fine too

why is she so cool lads?

coz she's not hot

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that is a pretty cheeky bird i must say senpai

You don't need to defend the qveen just to lust after her

her weight fluctuates constantly desu

why does she always look so greasy and unwell, just take care of your skin you dumb bitch you're knocking off 2 points on a good day just by not maintaining a good regimen

>be a mediocre female artist
>start showing as much skin as possible
>live off simp bucks
Being a woman sure is tough.