So... Post Malone is officially based

So... Post Malone is officially based.

Attached: dbdbhsrhshr.jpg (299x168, 11.9K)

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what's with all that shit on his face?

how tf does post malone do a better job covering nirvana songs than an actual rock band

idk i guess face tats are an easy way to get laid. nevertheless he fucking kills it. Travis Barker and the others too

yeah but like 5 years from now he wont be relevant anymore, and all that shit on his face will still be there.

his voice really suits this kind of music

this is pretty cool actually good job posty. fucking hate travis barker though.

Yeah I was bizarrely surprised

do you think they're gonna cause him to lose out on a job at McDonalds or something? he's made his millions already, he doesn't need to appear normal.

he said that is currently making an album with Travis Barker and the other 2 guys playing guitar and bass so it's pretty sure that it's rock album
He's literally reviving rock

>5 years from now he wont be relevant anymore
boomer cope

is there a reason hes wearing a dress

Just look at Travis with his shit on his face, he looks like a fucking old freak.

I mean yeah I guess he’s kind of clowny, but he’s still an excellent drummer who raised the bar for drumming in non-snobby music over the last 20 years


Yeah Cobain did it all the time until I guess the purse string holders told him he couldn’t

why do you hate him? he's a great drummer. The drums on Enema of the State are some of the best recorded drums in history. He's been through hell and back (Addiction, plane crash, literally burning in JET FUEL, divorce, etc.)

on top of it all he's still regarded one of the best drummers alive. why would you "fucking hate" him? just curious why you would develop such a strong emotion like that against him? unless youre just being hyperbolical
Kurt was just a pretty strong feminist

Attached: Nirvana.jpg (189x266, 10.99K)

with an incredible amount of money, which you will absolutely never have

>one the best drummers alive
Maybe in the shitty scene of skate punk. But even then technical punk bands like strung out and propaghandi are beyond him


>He's literally reviving rock

Nigga rock is always popular in the underground. shut your dumbass zoomer up

omg! you can tell he's a real nirvana fan because he started with farmer frances and didn't play smells like teen spirit!
+1 respect gained for post malone

you know he used to play guitar covers before he got big with hip hop

being a bit hyperbolic. I have nothing against him personally and I do recognize he's technically a good drummer, I just don't care for the music he plays whatsoever I think it's trash.

still looks like a freak though

Why did they allow another white boy to take over hip hop ?

right? not playing Smells like Teen Spirit in a Nirvana cover setlist is the most based/ punk shit ive seen this year

yeah he played an amazing cover of "Don't think Twice, its alright" by dylan. dude fucks

ha this is him before the tats and shit. Didn't know he was a chicano.

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Kill yourself

Rock isnt ghetto and urban. Trying to invent rock as ghetto and urban will not succeed unless you just get rid of all the nice suburban white people.

he is genuinely talented. too bad he painted his face like a meme and produces meme pop. but i watched some tik tok vids of him and he just loves life

Man that sanchez is on point