Why is this album so beloved?

I reaqlly dont get it, none of the songs are really special. Is it just because of Starless? That song wasnt even that good, The Court Of The Crimson King and Lark's Tounge's In Aspic Part II are both better. Some people even say its the best song of the 70s which is complete bullshit because Close To The Edge and And You And I exist.

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>Close to the Edge
you were just filtered. go back to prog archives, kek

if Fallen Angel didn’t make you feel something than I don’t know what to tell you dude

truly based. this is what i've been saying for quite a while

>Implying CTTE isnt the greatest album ever made

Its a good piece of lounge music, but it doesnt really make you feel unless you have an iq below room temperature

it has 2 great songs (fallen angel and starless)
1 good song (one more red nightmare)
the rest is shit

every other KC album is better than this

its decent and it disappointed bill bruford into leaving yes
Fallen Angel >>> Yes's discography

It also has two great pieces of music: red and providence.

go to bed satan

both shit

The title track and OMRN are so good. You guys are on drugs.

Um, no sweetie; that's incorrect.

the only bad thing about the title track is it isn't LTiA pt 2

Fallen Angel sucks ass




And You And I is better than literally anything Robert Fripp ever worked on in his life

>Why is this album so beloved?

Have you even listened to Starless?

Yes, and its just okay. If you want an actually great song, listen to And You And I

Braindead down syndrome manhole trapped in his own imagination

>I don't like thing
>everyone else must not like said thing

And You and I is the most mediocre hill to die on

So is Starless

>I like thing
>everyone else must like said thing

health food faggot

starless is literally peak music

Music must really suck if thats the peak

What exactly makes Starless good? I've listened to it about 5 times trying to find some reason for why people overrate it so badly, but I cant

cool geetar