I can't fucking do anything. I can't sing for shit. On guitar I can only play three fucking chords after one and a half year's practice. I can't write one good-sounding riff. I can't make one good-sounding melody. I can't make music on Ableton. I can't do fucking anything. I'm never going to be fucking famous. Why the fuck is it so hard to make music? Why the fuck did I have to be born talentless? Fuck this phony world.
I can't fucking do anything. I can't sing for shit...
start rapping
I'm not black
I've heard a rumour that you get better at singing once you stop posting wojaks.
Music isn't your thing. Keep looking; surely there must be something else you can do.
get blacked and learn some T Rex riffs
skill isnt neccesary to be famous but it seems your issue probably is deeper than that. Have you really played guitar for 1.5 years or have you noodles for 10 minutes every few days for 1.5 years? can you not sing for shit or have you just not actually got lessons and trained regularly. the rest are pretty much the same, you probably wont be insane by a year in production, songwriting et cetera but you should atleast be able to try and poorly imitate artists you like
guess its time to learn the skin flute
Jesus christ you're fucking pathetic.
Believe in yourself. Maybe do some drugs and be cock sure of yourself because that's all you got. You can't play well? great. doesnt matter.
Now make a punk song with what you just wrote using power chords. Start with a little structure using three chords. Rip off Nirvana and use A F D or something using like F#/m E B C#/m Full barres
I can't fucking do anything.
it's like i don't have a brain
I can't sing for shit.
I am not gonna quit
after one, after one, after one and half year's
I can't write one screaming riff.
All my thoughts start to drift
I can't make soothing melody.
I guess it's not me
On guitar I can only play three chords
On guitar I can only play three chords
On guitar I can only play three chords
On guitar I can only play three chords
I can't make music
on Ableton.
I can't make music
No play button.
I can't fucking do anything.
it's like i don't have a brain
I am not gonna quit
but i might not make it
I'm never going to be famous.
I wish I never had tried this.
Why is it so hard
to make music
Why is it so hard
born talentless?
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world
Fuck this phony world.
Fuck this phony world.
Someone has to haul the amps.
>3 chords after one and a half years practice
Yeah I'd kill myself too faggot
>On guitar I can only play three fucking chords after one and a half year's practice.
I don't think you've been practicing properly. user don't forget that the human mind is a powerful tool. If used correctly it can manifest great things in this world.
>On guitar I can only play three fucking chords after one and a half year's practice
there's E A D C G Em Am Dm all of these are super basic and easy, they're so easy that even if you truly didn't knew them you could learn them right now
he's not black :/
music's not your thing either...
If I knew I was going to be this big of a fuck-up in life, I would have ended it when I was a teenager.
Work with what your given
Go next.
heres his words
make something, "I can't fucking do anything. I can't sing for shit. On guitar I can only play three fucking chords after one and a half year's practice. I can't write one good-sounding riff. I can't make one good-sounding melody. I can't make music on Ableton. I can't do fucking anything. I'm never going to be fucking famous. Why the fuck is it so hard to make music? Why the fuck did I have to be born talentless? Fuck this phony world."
They said I would fail, I said I would fail
They said I couldn't do shit and I thought I would never be shit!
But I'm still here,
oh I'm still here
I'm still here,
Fuck you I'm still here
They said I couldn't play for shit
three chords is all I need!
They said I couldn't even sing!
But whoever can doesn't need to sing!
And I'm still here!
Oh I'm still here,
I'm still here
fuck you I'm still here
>good for literally nothing
time for start buying modular synths.
Stop bitching faggot and deal with it. Just become a punk musician
Which three chords?
even if i was some super talented wizard i would never be ''famous'' or anything like that because the music i like is obscure and underground and on top of that im a recluse
fuck you you fucking lazy shit
if you work consistently at anything -- even 20 fucking minutes a day -- you will eventually master it. have some patience you worthless fucking sycophant.
if you practiced guitar for 10 hours a day every day, in a few years you would be one of the most mind-blowing guitarists on the planet.
have some passion. take some initiative. set goals and work to accomplish them. even if you do 10% of what you set out to do, your still INFINITELY (fucking INFINITELY) better than if you did nothing at all
faggot ass fucking loser
Try putting 20 minutes per day into vocabulary, tardfag.
>On guitar I can only play three fucking chords after one and a half year's practice
Okay but you're not really practicing are you mate. Three chords after a year and a half is not "I was born without talent", it's just laziness or CRIPPLING physical disability.
This is what we're made for, user. We're drummers.
OP Here. E, E minor and A minor.
have u tried A
I was maybe overreacting a bit. I know like six other chords I just don't know the name for them. And I can do barre chords pretty easily, just hard switching between regular and barre chords.
I’m taking these lyrics to make a song out of it, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.