If rock is "guitar music" then what's "bass music"?

If rock is "guitar music" then what's "bass music"?

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Rock can be "bass music"

Post punk




Wtf these are all true

Bass and drum has it literally in the name. Unfortunately quite often people go full retard with the drum part.

Bass leads everywhere

Bass is actually the most foundational instrument in post WW2 era.

Bass is one of those things that you don't notice when it's there but you really fucking notice when it's not

that's a bass guitar, not a bass



> T. Favorite song: Metallica: One

Gonna bump with cool basses

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No, you notice when it's there. Easily.

>2 p-bass pickup sets
This makes me uncomfortable. Like three humbuckers on a strat kind of uncomfortable.

i wanna see that on your desk at work, dad

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Hip hop obviously

Yeah it looks very wrong, but I wonder what it sounds like. Is it awesome maybe?
Here's a classic p-bass competitor. Yamaha Broad Bass. This is the 1200 model. Alot of people say they're actually better than the traditional P. The pickup placement is reversed, I hear it changes the voicing. Hooky from Joy Division now plays BBs exclusively I think. They're just so damn big, I could never imagine playing one sitting down at home.

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no this is a reddit lie, bass is always noticeable, modern systems even with tiny speakers have prominent bass response. go away cancer.

Yamaha basses are great and routinely underrated. Fortunately that sometimes makes them a little less expensive on the used market than other more popular brands.

Yeah I'm a bit on the fence, I often see used standard Ps and used BBs (in model ranges that are at least standard Fender tier) around the same price these days.

Here's an old 81 Ibanez Blazer. Last year they made them like this. Another Japanese p-bass copy that they say did better than Fender. I played one once in an old timers guitar shop that specialized in rare and vintage. (Through an old acoustic brand rig like Jaco used) it was fucking awesome, and it played so easy, neck felt amazing. I was broke and next week when I went back it was gone.

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only brainlets and redditors dont notice bass

Absolutely begging you to get a pair of earbuds not from poundland