what are people who unironically listened to vaporwave in 2015 listening to now?
What are people who unironically listened to vaporwave in 2015 listening to now?
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Beach House
I mean I never listened to stuff ironically I just liked some projects
ATM I'm listening to Autechre
youtube playlist core
electronic noise with pop elements
i wish i could've gotten into the vaporwave aesthetic, it looked so cozy
yeah it really was
i have very cozy mems of working in an office basement scrolling thru excel spreadsheets & listening to some album called redefining the workplace or st
yeah the internet club album
I'm 18 now and growing up with vaporwave was really fun, I prob never got it as much as I could right now but yea
Vaporwave was always a shitty meme genre and it's sad that zoomers are now having nostalgia for it. Imagine being nostalgic over 80s mall music slowed down with a drumbeat thrown on top.
I doubt you have even listened to any vaporwave albums beside Floral shoppe and simpson "vaporwave" meme edits on youtube.
i tried to hard to get into it. even ironically i just couldn't
aesthetics are fine though
Lofi beats or Bladee
Both are stylistically different but those are the two camps on reddit that they choose between shilling now
>being nostalgic over 80s mall music slowed down with a drumbeat thrown on top
imagine it
stfu idiot retart
100 gecs
Eccojams is still very much the shit, plebeian
I listened to the Cocteau Twins and other ethereal stuff last night
my favorite vaporwave album, which will actually turn a year old tomorrow
Well I listen to nu metal now
DnB, speedcore, chopped n skrewed, some cloud rap and vaporwave
also some j-core hardcore shit is good too i guess
Death Industrial
Woah Reddit is basado
by some cloud rap you mean bladee I just know that
ecco2k is superior but yeah not far
kek ecco is the artistic leader of the group but bladee has finer tunes due to a bigger discography, they barely fit into cloud rap though
check out main attraktionz and chris travis' discography to see what i refer to