Based muck

based muck

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OP here, sorry about that typo. What I meant to say was based dick

>still playing in stadiums

Grannyfags on suicide watch

Playing in stadiums but still less famous, sold less albums and have less great albums than a band that breakup 50 years ago.

pretty brainlet retort. mccartney said beatles were better, answer is "oh but we still around"?

Let it go Mick. It's an uphill battle for you.

That's what cocaine does to you.

Um, if a band is still around that kinda implies that they're better by default, sweetie ;)

Survival of the fittest, baby.

growing up means
>realizing the stones were actually writing about real life and the beatles wrote mostly derpy love songs;
>realizing the stones played with fire and passion and found grooves that impressed their black idols and that beatles 'musicality' was actually george martins;
>realizing that the stones were the sound of brothers who although fought and cursed at eachother could still put differences aside and play and record pure ecstatic rocknroll that provoked culture and the beatles are the sound of 4 egotistical passive aggressive pissbaby betas who barely spoke to eachother during their creative peak and barely made up after the fact;
>realizing that the stones immediately influenced rock n roll by emphasizing its dark and immoral nature in mankind and that beatles mostly influenced preppy trend seeking forgotten pop groups.

So if Paul outlives Mick does that make the Beatles better again?

Love songs are real life for some people.

The Stones were poshfags who went to art school and wanted to LARP as Delta bluesmen, they had no sense of melody or aesthetics.

what they wrote about love amounted to "its all you need" "you give what you get" and "i wanna hold your hand" ; juvenile naivete

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ur retarded :DDDDDD

>Grannyfags BTFO

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Lyrics don't matter.

what a retard

Low IQ take

heavily based and perfectly articulated

McCartney didn't say more famous and sold more albums

lyrics are extremely important and the rolling stones had way better lyrics

agreed. the stones sound better

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Stones were better by a Moonlight Mile

(Beatles fags won’t even get this) lol

It's kinda funny cause as long as Le Beatles were around they had material to copy , after Le Beatles disbanded the Stones have been playing the same fucking riffs for the past 60 years

If I want to listen to some great Psychelic Rock/Pop, I'll listen to Revolver or Sgt. Pepper's.

If I want to listen to some great Blues, I'll listen to Skip James.
Simple as.

The Beatles were better melodists, but the rolling stones were better at everything else

The Rolling Stones are pure shit, they stole just as much Zeppelin but never get any shit for it

imagine being this wrong

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the Rolling Stones revolutionized each of the classical instruments of rock music: the drums incorporated the lascivious tom-tom of tribal folk, the martial pace of military bands and the sophisticated swing of jazz; the guitar amplified the raw and ringing style of Chuck Berry; the bass invented a depraved sound, the singing turned the sensual crooning of soul music in an animal howl, half sleazy lust and half call to arms; and the arrangements of keyboards, flutes and exotic instruments completely misinterpreted the intentions of the cultures from which they were borrowed. The revolution carried out by the Rolling Stones was thorough and radical.
Indirectly, the Rolling Stones invented the fundamental axis of rock and roll: the sexy singer, sexual object and shaman, and the charismatic guitarist. For at least forty years that would remain the only constant in rock music (and one of the external features that set it apart from jazz, folk, classical music). In an era still crowded with vocal groups of pop music (Beach Boys, Beatles) inspired by those of the 1940s', the Stones represented a generational trauma.
After them, not only rock music but western civilization itself will never be the same again.

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>the drums incorporated the lascivious tom-tom of tribal folk, the martial pace of military bands and the sophisticated swing of jazz; the guitar amplified the raw and ringing style of Chuck Berry; the bass invented a depraved sound
this is what a very ignorant person would write about music instruments.

Why ? Care to demonstrate your assertion user ?

it's not wrong though

It is though

This. The Beatles were the 60s and 70s equivalent of Drake today.

hard like geometry
this is crazy

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>Why ? Care to demonstrate your assertion user ?

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Why don’t you come up with your own arguments instead of stealing from a puffed up software consultant