This is shaping up to be the worst year in music history. What artist will save us, Yas Forums?

This is shaping up to be the worst year in music history. What artist will save us, Yas Forums?

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rym always overrates the shit out of random metal albums

And anything gay, female fronted, and especially trannies. Rym went to complete shit

Metalheads should be hanged I agree

>This is shaping up to be the worst year in music history
Boy you sure don't see people saying this literally every year.

yung lean

>treating rym charts as a remotely accurate guide of good music released this year

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I’m honestly not bothered by any of this, I just don’t know half of those though but that’s probably a good thing

charli and yung lean will do

I don't know any of those. I checked out Fiona Apple and they're japanese! Do you like anime or j-pop by any chance?

Metalheads genuinely are a different species when it comes to music appreciation, I unironically feel I have more in common with any billie eilish shill than with a metalhead

only four months into the year and we're still due a the avalanches album, a yung lean album, a charli album and a sweet trip album


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Was the new Oranssi Pazuzu really that good? It didn't seem on par with Varahtelija to me, the only track that left much of an impression was the first single.

Charli XCX unironically

Paysage d'Hiver deserves to be number 1

Anti metal S o y bois seethe harder

can u upload it to youtube already, thanks

>Do you like anime or j-pop by any chance?
I do
go on...

oh my girl


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better than 2019 tbqh

it’s a good year, the necks released another album, we got the priscilla ermel retrospective & astral industries keeps putting out solid releases. As said carti will save us

Kys metalfag

Kys indiecuck

>the necks released another album
holy shit I had no idea, thanks user

looks like everything is coming up metal

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Because most metal fans are retarded. Like anything loud, detuned and distorted with fast, thumping drums is 10/10 for them.

You probably won’t see it until the official release.