Literally their best

literally their best
no, you dont have to pretend not to like it just because you're a Yas Forums contrarian

Attached: dark-side-of-the-moon-pink-floyd.jpg (500x500, 10.1K)

New car

Animals is better because it has Dogs on it

Attached: Animals.jpg (500x500, 40.43K)

Animals is trash.

More like 4th best
Piper, Saucerful, and WYWH here are better

This is the opinion of a weak man

At least we can all agree that it's way better than anything King Crimson ever did

Stop being contrarian, TDSOTM is objectively better than any of those albums, though Saucerful of Secrets is actually my favourite

no, you dont have to say animals is their best because you've seen 4-5 other contrarians on Yas Forums pretending its their favorite

It is good but Saucerful is much better
Plebbit opinion

Psychedelic Floyd is kinda cringe ngl

Can you prove that it's objectively the best

It's good but not their best.

Yes but I'm not going to because it would be a waste of my time. If you do not see right away why it's better, I'm afraid you lack the mental capacity to understand my reasoning therefore it would be unwise of me to invest the time writing a detailed response to you. I suggest you go back to listening to The Wall

Okay so you can't prove it, cool. Also The Wall is ass, I would never bother listening to it.

I can but I chose not to because I don't want to embarrass you in front of everyone else here

I can handle the embarrassment, user :)

Cuz it’s the most famous one faggot

not their best. I prefer wish you were here and the wall and meddle and maybe animals. but yeah it's great. first album i ever listened to from beginning to end.

Okay just listen to Time while you're stoned. If you are on the same level of musical iq as me, you'll understand what I'm talking about. I'm talking about floating between worlds. Shit is so cash. One fat hit and my world is turning into colors

bro there's no way you're older than 16 stfu lol

Cringe post but it becomes based if you swap Time for Any Colour You Like

Lord almighty the cringe

Echoes is their best song but this is their best album

On the Run is actually the best song on that album

>judging music while stoned
>high musical IQ
pick one

This is the guy who's unironically calling Animals shit.

Animals >>>> DSOTM

I like animals but I wish pigs on the wing was longer.

It is their best, but not my favourite

you are the ones who are cringe. that post is obviously bait, you autists

its definitely one of their most solid and deserving of the acclaim its gotten over the years. also serves as a great intro to the pink floyd sound and experience for newcomers since it has a little bit of everything
>Echoes is their best song
the only correct opinion in this thread