>talking to g*rl about music
>”yeah my taste is like suuuupper weird. one minute ill be listening to lil peep and the next ill be listening to tame impala”
Talking to g*rl about music
Women think not listening to Drake and Adele is being alternative, don't think too much about it
she's not worth if she doesn't like zeuhl
send her some experimental shit to see how she reacts
So are you gonna fuck that, or whine about her on Yas Forums like a lil bitch
I mean that's better than say lil xan or logic or some shit
adele is alternative.
she’s gonna think im weird. just want to fuk so i appear as a simple normie who listens to brockhampton and boy pablo
A girl once told me she listens to "everything from Nicki Minaj to Linkin Park".
my face when women
jesus fucking christ stop spamming this stupid fucking garbage babby’s first avant prog RYM sperg core pop experimental album
Man I can't fucking go anywhere on this retarded site without hearing niggers whining about women.
Try reddit
Who gives a shit?
all the cool girls fuck eachother now so you're shit out of luck unless you transition to gaslight/corrective rape them
Yeah and Sicko mode is basically a prog song cause it has a beatswitch
Try my fucking dick down your throat you bitch.
Stop trying to pretend that you're from old Yas Forums retard redditfaggot
Rent free and obsessed
It's a good album user, why are you so mad
No thanks
what is sicko mode?
beatswitch on cheech
women are sometimes entertaining toys but never take them seriously. I doubt a woman has ever independently progressed mankind in any meaningful way, all they are truly useful for is giving birth it’s not their fault.
no it isn’t. you thinking it’s good is proof that you’re a rym tourist tastelet
theyre never worth it user. i was talking to a normie girl like this and she called me a meme to my face
>driving to dinner for like date #2
>always play 2000s pop around girls
>i actually like it too plus theyre like daaang i forgot about this song!
>at dinner
>i try to avoid music because i know she has no taste
>she asks The Question
>i dont wanna be all "oh idk lots of obscure stuff"
>all i liked at the time was built to spill and red house painters
>i said "lately only like 90s rock idk little bit of everything"
>she just stares at me and says like you're funny
>few drinks later "user YOURE LIKE A MEME"
i shouldve never texted her that tame impala song. also made the mistake of mentioning something about drugs or something right when she got in the car and i found out she didnt know the difference between molly and acid. i just love normie women
My gf listens to everything from the moody blues to jay reatard you guys are just shit at finding women
did you introduce her to those bands user
a woman is anything that pleases you
>he talks to females
music taste can be fucked into any woman this isn’t news. if she listens to good music you didn’t introduce her to, thank her previous boyfriends.
no, I have introduced her to a lot of music though
Her 2 previous boyfriends were turboplebs. She tried to get them into the music she liked but they were both edmfags.
your gf sounds like a complete whore m8
>ye ... lol ... my taste is not like other girls... alexa, play mac demarco