How do you tell a friend his music sucks and should give up on music...

How do you tell a friend his music sucks and should give up on music? He sent me a google drive on his new "song" and it's absolutely abhorrent, like Crystal Castles or Death Grips but with a severe lack of understanding on what makes them great.

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post the song

just tell him duh

why do you have all these opinions but are afraid to hurt people's feelings

The things I do for the (you)s:
Because he's still my friend and if I were completely honest with him he'd get all pissy because he actually thinks he's the shit.

Maybe instead of being a dick about it, you can just simply tell him that he needs to work on his shit more & learn how to get better at making music overall

what the god damned hell is that shit?

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tell him to remove some sounds from it and get a better vocalist and he might have something here

so... exactly like Crystal Castles and Death Grips

this nigga is a genius

modern music

Wtf this is good

this dude is gonna be be a the yung lean of death grips tell him to make a music video

is this african?

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show others the music and use their opinions as a basis while maintaining that its salvageable

What language is this in?

If he can't handle criticism from a friend then what business does he have trying to impress anyone else. If you don't tell him then someone else will, and they're likely not to be as forgiving


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Offer constructive criticism instead of being stuck in the mindset that he ‘should give up on music’ if his first attempts aren’t genius. If he gets offended by the constructive criticism, tell him he’s being a baby and you’re only trying to help. If he gets even more upset the you’ve just cut an insecure, immature, bitch out of your life.


it’s so simple

19th post best post.
>Offer constructive criticism instead of being stuck in the mindset that he ‘should give up on music’ if his first attempts aren’t genius.
It's not that, though, many details were avoided simply to shorten the lenght of my post and to not blogpost. This is a late stage of soundcloud rapperism.

this is tight

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Europeans, not even once

Holy shit someone actually invented Harsh Noise Trap though.

>How do you tell a friend his music sucks and should give up on music?
Don't tell him that. Give him constructive criticism. If that's beneath you then you aren't really friends to begin with.

idk honestly i dont think this is *exceptionally* bad. kinda regular idk, be supportive be a better friend, a big reason crystal castles or death grips is great to you is because it came through the channels they did honestly. which is to say everything is cringe if you look at it that way

this is the funniest shit i ever heard jesus christ. please post more.

Believe me I'm embarrassed on your behalf and I've been in this situation myself, but you should simply stand your ground and offer criticism as best you can.

Offer examples of good music in this style to illustrate what you mean. Be supportive of his efforts whilst being honest about the results. You have nothing to lose by being honest.

Maybe even ask to sit in with him whilst he produces and disarm some of the tension by being there in person? And if you like the guy you've just become closer as friends in the process.

What the fuck this is unironically good or am I stupid?

>If he gets even more upset the you’ve just cut an insecure, immature, bitch out of your life.
You act like it's a great idea to just cut people out of your life.

People who are too narcissistic to accept an honest perspective, yes. What kind of friend doesn't respect your opinion but only wants your praise?

This is going on my sex playlist


>oogadetooka yayaya

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