Post your favorite movies (however many you want) and others guess your favorite albums/bands/genres/whatever

post your favorite movies (however many you want) and others guess your favorite albums/bands/genres/whatever

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I bet you're taste in music is as retardedly obscure as your taste in films

>sin chan
what the fuck

Chibi Maruko > Shin-chan

>shin chan
It's for you OP.

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none of those films are obscure though, user

if I don't know any of them, then they are by definition obscure

atmospheric japanese black metal

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Most movies are pretentious wanking for pseuds

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these are all the movies I've ever watched

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Mephisto (1981)
Idi i Smotri
Repulsion (1965)
Funny Games (1997)
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

chungking express
human traffic
the acid house
vive le amour

maybe you should study cinema more then

you just admitted to this entire thread that you are arrogant. embarassing

you mean ignorant

>he doesn't even know what arrogance is

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I bet you'd like Cocteau Twins
based for Beetlejuice and Fury Road

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Pseud: the post

I know what it is and it isn't the word you should have used.
>having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
please point me towards this point in my posts genius

dream pop / noise pop
top 40 pop
garage rock revival
post punk

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>an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions

No you

how is that a presumptuous claim? Obscurity can only be measured relative to whoever is claiming it so yes, all those films are obscure to me.
And just to further clarify, the reason obscurity is a relative measurement is because if it wasn't we would all have to concede where to draw the line at which when crossed, something becomes decidedly obscure. Obviously that line will never be drawn at the same place by a group of more than one person, so in our case obscurity is relative.
So, with that in mind, please explain how I made a presumptuous assumption

almost on spot, but I like d&b and house more

Never been into post punk personally

gay pedo

You claimed that if you haven't heard of it, it must be obscure. You are making the assumption that you must be aware of everything known in cinema.
>an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
Huh, that fits the bill.

Gone With The Wind
The French Connection
Fellowship of the Ring
The Dark Knight
Manchester by the Sea
The Master

Death Industrial
Drum n Bass
terrible take
Gothic Rock
Industrial Hip Hop

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>You claimed that if you haven't heard of it, it must be obscure.
the definition of obscure:
>not discovered or known about; uncertain.

>You are making the assumption that you must be aware of everything known in cinema.
No I am not. If I was making that assumption why would I be claiming anything to be obscure? If I was aware of everything in cinema nothing would be obscure to me