Why is this album so praised? It’s fucking awful and forgettable. Shitty production, boring songs, etc etc...

Why is this album so praised? It’s fucking awful and forgettable. Shitty production, boring songs, etc etc. The guitar tone is shit too. It has no balls compared to the wonderful thick sound of RTL.

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Ive heard plenty of people say they like Ride the Lightning more.

>It has no balls compared to the wonderful thick sound of RTL
MoP was the beginning of the real selling out process, Metallica were already hugely famous from KEA and RTL but this was a noticable change in their sounds, less speed, fewer riffs, less aggression, less of everything that made the first 2 LPs really good. Because of that it was accessible and they became mainstream famous so I suppose their tactic worked. Maybe if they made a RTL2 they wouldn't have reached the level of commerical acclaim they did.

I've always felt that way about the guitar sounds. The composition is great, Battery Orion and Master of Puppets are some of my favourite metal songs ever, and the production is tighter than previous albums but there's something about the guitar and drums that just sounds a little hollow.

Shut up Dave

For one, RTL is all JCM800's and Tubescreamers, MoP is Mesa Dual Rectifiers and is scooped to all fuck, no mids.

What does megadeth use for rust in peace? I always thought master of puppets would sound great with those crunchy guitars.

It sounds like the beginning of control freak Lars' failed production efforts:


Jesus, how fucking retarded are people on this board?

Some expensive VHT and Bogner boutique shit

the title track alone makes its a classic.
not to mention Battery, Sanitarium, Disposable Heroes and Orion.
overall, I like Ride the Lightning more, but Master of Puppers is a thrash metal classic.

Am I crazy for loving And Justice For All too?

Blackened and To Live is to Die are absolute fire

No. Have you ever listened to And Jason For All?

To Live is to Die is boring as shit but the album itself is good. Liking AJFA is a respectable opinion, liking it over RTL and MOP is retardation

Yes, never understood why they mixed it like that until I watched

alright im just gonna say it. leper messiah is a banger and not filler

>This album is the Nirvana "Smells like Teen Spirit" of heavy metal. It brought heavy metal to its knees, and castrated it mightily. It is, then, by definition, the most damaging, counterproductive, and overrated LP ever to be released. Even standing it up on its own, and not letting it poison the minds of those that came after it, I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 most influential thrash releases of 1986... it's easily killed by the unholy trinity of Darkness Descends, Reign in Blood, and Pleasure to Kill, which pushed the envelope of metal in three different, related directions. It's not anywhere nearly as enjoyable as expatriate Mustaine's Peace Sells, which was technically brilliant and a whole barrel of fun too, or as dark as Possessed's sophomore effort, or Sepultura and Sodom's full-length debuts. It's not nearly as punk-as-fun as Nuclear Assault's first. Then I could throw in fifteen, if not fifty, other backwash thrash LPs that did nothing for the genre as far as influence goes, but are still a whole fuckload more enjoyable than this one.
Was he correct?


I know OP is probably baiting but I genuinely don't like MoP and anything after.

Seems like he's trying a bit hard there. Saying it's not in the top 10 most influential thrash albums because he doesn't like the effect it had is silly.

The Thing that Should Not Be is the real filler track. I never skip songs in albums, but that one I always do. Their worst 80s song. Just doesn't sound like them at all. Probably the tuning.

>Reign in Blood better than MoP
Based retard

the fuck is he on about
I’m eat sand on the beach, someone explain the point

while this is this epitome of pussy thrash metal and a very overrated album, it didn't completely kill the metal genre like he claimed

>different, related directions
Is this pasta?

UltraBoris' review of MoP on M-A

The only time I've been able to understand someone liking Justice more was a friend of mine who loved prog so much that he was naturally drawn towards the most progressive of their good albums. He's wrong, but it makes sense.

Fuck you, that's the heaviest track on the album

That's interesting opinion though I happen to disagree.

>Why is this album so praised? It’s fucking awful and forgettable. Shitty production, boring songs, etc etc. The guitar tone is shit too. It has no balls compared to the wonderful thick sound of RTL.

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>Shitty production, boring songs, etc etc. The guitar tone is shit too. It has no balls compared to the wonderful thick sound of RTL.

terrible opinions. get some good headphones or sound system. master of puppets is ride the lightning but better in every way.