Advanced Yas Forumscore

What do you think of the new advanced Yas Forumscore chart, Yas Forums?

The chart just got updated with around 350 changes since the last version! The chart can still be updated by the way, so if you have any suggestions on what to change, add, remove or replace feel free to post about it here!

Also, feel free to roll the chart by doing the following:
>take the four last digits from your post (XXXX)
>google "XXXX mod 1111"
>listen to the recording with the number given to you by google
>share your thoughts with us once you are done with the recording
Have fun!

By the way, you can check out the web version of the chart with a lot of other resources in the following site:

Attached: 1587413209234.png (2500x10000, 3.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This chart redeemed avant-math for good.

If he quits Yas Forums as it is now, he would leave in the best possible terms.

Attached: 1548176042001.jpg (1520x1080, 706.67K)

pretty cool, i'll check the classical one

>no loveless
fucking retarded

t. avant math god
you're still a faggot tranny

I already "left" years ago, I just come back here to post stuff like this.

Read the description.

I'm not a "faggot" nor a "tranny"

I wish there was a folder where you could find most of these albums.


I'm working on it ;3
It will take a relatively long time though. I already have all the albums downloaded, but I need to tag them.

I honestly fucking hated your guts(notable for being the only tripfag I have ever disliked to that degree, period) but you eventually mellowed out(slightly but noticeably) and started contributing things like this in the past...3 or so years.
Thank you.

Attached: 1549395301494.jpg (532x413, 87.89K)

Oh, wow. Thank you for your hard work.


0 mention of prog rock
shit list

>0 mention of prog rock
There are various progressive rock albums over there. Look closer.

I'm triggered beyond reason

It's alright, stop calling it 'Yas Forumscore' though. It doesn't remotely resemble a Yas Forumscore chart.

It’s certainly better than Yas Forumscore though

But it's not Yas Forumscore. Constantly making threads calling it the 'new advanced Yas Forumscore chart' looks like cringe forcedfaggotry.

Yas Forumscore =/= advanced Yas Forumscore

Oh, I see, you just made up a meaningless new term to make this shit get more attention.

>made up a meaningless new term
All terms start like this.

They're not usually forced by one faggot marketing his shit.


You should include the changes uou made in every thread so we can know what you did. And its still not going to stop me from hating the format chart: instead of one of the best in the genre, its one of the first (which has a 50-50 chance of sounding like dogshit)

>its one of the first
except its really not. just look at the rythem & blues section. this chart is pure faggotry that unironically places other music as "too important" to limit to one album; while also putting albums in their literally over a decade after a genres inception.

>You should include the changes uou made in every thread so we can know what you did.
I do. They are in the site from the description.

>its still not going to stop me from hating the format chart: instead of one of the best in the genre, its one of the firs
I will be making that too. Just keep in mind there would be less than 300 changes to be made based on that rule, I would probably bet only 150 changes would be needed.

>which has a 50-50 chance of sounding like dogshit
Such as? All the recordings from the chart are classics in their respective genres.

>just look at the rythem & blues section
What about it? It does feature some of the earliest rhythm & blues.

>while also putting albums in their literally over a decade after a genres inception
You mean the compilations? lol, those albums still feature music at or neat the genre's inception. The girl group album wasn't recorded in 2001, for example, but during the 50s instead.

Why isn't Post-Dubstep represented?

Attached: a1981122357_10.jpg (1000x1000, 62.81K)

Yeah nah. The Girl Group album was recorded in the 60s actually. Tell me, what is 65-45? Because, last thread some people asked you to put an album in over a different album because they thought it sounded better and your response was that the albums were too new dispite them being under 10 years since a genres inception.


>The Girl Group album was recorded in the 60s actually.
Yes, there is stuff from the 50s and 60s, but you get the idea.

>what is 65-45?
What do you mean?

>last thread some people asked you to put an album in over a different album because they thought it sounded better and your response was that the albums were too new dispite them being under 10 years since a genres inception
10 years is a very long time. That wouldn't qualify for the chart. And remember what matters is recording date, not release date, which is why compilations are allowed.

some odd choices, but im looking forward to listening to some of the folk music records that i dont know already.

Evil death roll

King Gizzard is soo goood

>are classics in their respective genres.
That means a whole lot of nothing. The Beach Boys and The Beatles (boy bands) may have been considered a "classic", but that doesnt mean they were actually good. It was just shitty pop before pop was considered a thing. You misewell have added acdc as that was considered a classic hard rock band as well.

>some odd choices
Such as?


>The Beach Boys and The Beatles (boy bands) may have been considered a "classic", but that doesnt mean they were actually good
But they were, at least for the standards of their respective genres.

>You misewell have added acdc as that was considered a classic hard rock band as well.
But I won't because of the guidelines described in the chart.