I missed the wave, what was everyone's thoughts on this album?

I missed the wave, what was everyone's thoughts on this album?

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strong 6 to light 7

no one wants to listen to it.
generic indie pop that people only cared about because of its feminist message.

haha oh OP are you in for a treat....let me regale you with the tale of the redemption of one Anthony Fantano...

Great album more channers would like it if it was low profile


i like tidal and when the pawn more

Bad Daniel Johnston imitation


actually probably just straight bad

but can't say that until the hype dies down

Going to be one of the best of 2020s


You guys were saying the same shit about fucking Let England Shake a decade ago. Was forgotten 2 years in. Calm down bro.

In summary most people were finding it good and even AOTY, then after the p4k 10'd it there was a shitshow for a day. There was a lot of seethe from the "I hate women" community. Then Fantano 7'd it and the aforementioned Yas Forums transplants felt vindicated and a lot of liberals started seething because according to them this album should be a 10 because it is feminist and anything other than a 10 is an insult to women and feminism
Albums is better than The Idler Wheel IMO. I like how raw it sounds. It is not very catchy though

People have only started raving about this album when P4K gave it a 10. Stop pretending that isn't the case.

It really wasn't the case. That just increased volume in both directions

What the fuck is your problem? Stop impersonating me, this was never funny

Yeah, I mean most of the people who listened to it before the 10 did, which were mostly Fiona fans already
oh shit, my doppelganger

Before P4K, small communities of fans were discussing the album. The review brought it mainstream attention, no matter how you look at it.

Nah it was trending on Twitter with a bunch of bluechecks live tweeting the album before the review dropped and they were all being as hyperbolic as that p4k review



I can't give a neutral judgement anymore. Now when I put it on I only hear "meme meme 7/10 meme anthony fantano rape meme meme twitter"

Its just a shittier version of tom waits' rain dogs if it had been made in 2020 by a whiney feminist cunt.

Still peddling that stupid ass take I see

I don't agree with him either because Rain Dogs is a masterpiece and Bolt Cutters is flavor of the month trash that no one will remember in the next year.

its an objective take

what youre saying is ridiculous because its saying that the beatles or any other great band could never have released a classic which led to lots of other bands making shitty copies... which is false.

How did you miss the wave of you heard about it? Dipshit

Initially thought it was a 7, Fiona's fans, her personality, and that cover have dropped it down to a 5. I'm not gonna listen to it again. Way overrated.

>the beatles or any other great band could never have released a classic which led to lots of other bands making shitty copies
when did I say or even imply that? All I said is that comparing the two albums isn't fair for how ridiculous the differences are relating to its quality. Saying its a version of Rain Dogs at all is an insult to music.

If you liked Idler Wheel you'd like it. 7-8 is an accurate score. Good in pretty much every respect I care about but I wish she'd gone full Tom Waits with it, it drags on at points.

>Cringy album title
>Cringy album art (le so random woman face XD! And look, le puppi!)
>Title Track one of the most plodding and boring things I've listened to in a while
>Singer's voice is consistently flat and only has one volume
>Vague undertones or feminist or some other kind of bs
Though I could forgive that last one if the music was was at least rhythmic in some sense.

But it isn't

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