ITT: name one woman artist you like and one woman artist you dislike

ITT: name one woman artist you like and one woman artist you dislike
>likes: Wendy Carlos
>dislikes: SOPHIE

Attached: BE0974A6-5E47-493A-BC8C-D92705E407F9.png (328x336, 15.97K)

but SOPHIE is a man

both are men you retard

>Like: Brittney spears
>Dislike: Zara larsson

Hope Sandoval
Dua Lipa

Likes: Laura Les
Dislikes: Shea Diamond

that 100 gecs "girl" is a fucking man you faggot

Joanna Newsom
Sarah Bonito

>like: Kate Bush
>dislike: i haven't listened to another female artist

these are both men

I see Yas Forums schizos are out in full force today

Eliane Radigue
Fiona Apple

it's completely normal to be confused/angered by transexuals. Basic biology.

Likes: Girls Rituals

Dislikes: Regina Spektor

i'm not a Yas Forumstard, i just hate trannies and autogynephiles like sophie make me seethe

>makes thread about female artists
>its actually just a thread about men in dresses
The patriarchy strikes again...

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i like all women or female artists except for demi lovato and halsey

>Likes: St. Vincent
>Dislikes: Nicki Minaj
i forget about musicians i dislike so i just hard to threw the most obvious one in there lul

hate all women

love me country

simple as

Delia Derbyshire
Fiona Apple


OP with the undetected shitpost right out the gate

like: Regina Spektor
dislike : grimes

i hate all women

>like: Laura Les
>dislike: any actual woman

most of female “artists” like clairo/ashnikko/dua lipa or other slut.

based and TERFpilled

>All of them

Attached: toast.jpg (1200x1200, 211.18K)

based TERF

i really dont dislike anyone unless they are bigoted or hateful or represent or support systems of oppression (such as capitalism)

like: patty smyth
dislike: patty smith

Like: Jacqui McShee
Dislike: Dunno

>Kate Bush
>Fiona Apple

Attached: rareKate.jpg (540x780, 68.49K)

>like: machine girl
>dislike: ariana grande

>support systems of oppression (such as capitalism)

Attached: TardBrain.png (1070x1114, 277.94K)

machine girl is two people. ones nonbinary the other is a cis man

This is literally rape